The Conveyor Belt

October 17, 2018

WHEN: 10/17/2018
QIC: Cortés
PAX: Nickleback, Nubbin, Toast McQueen, Muzungu, Milton, Pusher, Buffay, The Deal (FNG), Cortés (YHC)

YHC missed Monday at the Rock after returning from Virginia Beach with family and running a 5K, it sure was nice to get back to routine this morning and see who would join me in the gloom rumor was an FNG was coming so I felt a little pressure for a well thought out workout this morning. Not sure if I accomplished that but here is what we did…

9 PAX assembled at 5:30 time to get started, FNG present, disclaimer given.

Warm Up

Fellowship lap around parking lot

WMH 10 (IC)

Windmills 10 (IC)

Porta john chinooks 10 (IC) – thanks to Knope for teaching that one

Seal claps 10 (IC)

Plank holds – L/R arm high, L/R leg high while getting to know a little more about our FNG

SSH x 20ish (IC)


The Thang

Mosey to the far end of parking lot so YHC could offer a bit of the morning grass to those pax who may be interested for the next part …

Part 1: Jack Jack Webb – merkin plank jack combo followed by overhead press in 1:4 ratio as follows

1 Merkin plank jack 4 overhead press

2 merkin plank jack 8 overhead press

Ended at 10 and 40

Since we had done so well at counting up in ratio we went right into Lt. Dan air squat followed by lunges in the same 1:4 ratio

1 air squat 4 standing lunges

2 air squats 8 standing lunges

Ended somewhere around 6/7 and 24/28 needing to save time for part 2


Part 2- Conveyor belt

Set up as follows 9 exercises (one for each PAX) each 2 parking spaces away

Complete the exercise then bear crawl to next exercise once reach end of the line run to start and continue back to your starting exercise

Then Reverse same exercises but crawl bear to complete routine in opposite order

Once finished pick up the 6

Stations included:

Merkins (15)

Air squats (20)

Overhead Press with cinderblock (15)

American hammers (20)

LBC (20)

Jump lunges (20)


Bent over rows with cinderblock (15)

Monkey Humpers (20)


No time for Mary but finished as a group with Merkin/ American hammer/ LBC and overhead press (because we didn’t do enough of that already) to finish with the FNG



Name o Rama

2nd F in Hillsborough tonight – mystery brewing 8pm

Continued prayers for Muzungu’s event coming up next Friday check the Hillsborough channel for details

Welcome FNG – The Deal

YHC took us out


As always it is an honor to lead the fine gentlemen in the northern province and may we continue to push each other not only in 1st F but also to become HIM in all arenas of our lives