Scrotum & Nipples

August 25, 2018

WHEN: 08/25/2018
QIC: nightshift
PAX: Malware, Uzi, Hatfield, 3 for 1

We put on the full show for a visiting pax from GSO known as 3 for 1. While on top of the parking garage, Uzi started asking for advice about his swore scrotum resulting from an all-night ruck. Later at coffeteria, 3 for 1 asked what was up with my nipples because during the parking garage session my shirt was soaked with sweat except for my nipples. Apparently, body glide creates a sweatproof barrier. So our visiting pax has one dude talking about his scrotum and another with miraculous sweatless nipple staring him down like two headlights. Welcome to Churham; tell your friend all about us!

Warm up
arm circle, windmill, slow merkins, mountain climbers, slow squats

Ran to the parking garage adjacent the hospital. Paula Abdul’d it to the top; one 2 floors up and 1 floor back. At the top…
40 Squats
30 WW2
20 Merkins
10 Burpees
20 Merkins
30 WW2
40 Squats
Mosey’d down one level and found some sweet blocks…
10 box jumps
15 low pulse squats IC
10 steps up each leg
Ran to the law school for 8 minutes of Cindy…
10 inverted rows
20 merkins
30 squats

flutter kick, side plank ring of fire(one pax did 5 diamond merkins, switch high hand each pax does merkins), plank jacks, low plank holds, and LBC