Rock Time

October 2, 2014

WHEN: 10/02/2014
QIC: Floyd
PAX: Cardiac,Woody,Floyd

3 PAX (a 50% increase!) and a dog arrived in the dark but pleasant morning at Herndon park for a Bull City Beatdown. Your ever faithful Q, Floyd had just run a 5k last night and determined that long distance running was off the table. That means, weights and reps.

Warm up
SSH x 20
Windmills x 20
LBAC x 10
Good Mornings x 10
1/2 mile warm up jog

10 pull ups
10 Swing Derkins
10 pull ups
10 Swing Derkins

Go to rock pile and pick up a moderately heavy “friend”
Run to turf field

Rock Jacob’s Ladder
Start at one side of the field, do rock exercises….lug that heavy rock to the other side and do more exercise. Repeato.

Set 1
40 Bicep curls, 5 Tricep extensions
30 Bicep curls, 10 Triceps
20 Bicep curls, 20 Triceps
10 Biceps, 30 Triceps
5 Biceps, 40 Triceps

Set 2
5 Russian Hammers, 20 WWII situps
10 Hammers, 15 WWII
15 Hammers, 10 WWII
20 Hammers, 5 WWII

LBC x 40
LSF x 40
Heels to heavens x 40

Run back to PAINGROUND and put rocks back


I will be away next week. Woody is taking the Q. Cardiac has promised to be there. If you can, post next week and support Woody’s Q