October 1, 2014

WHEN: 10/01/2014
QIC: F3Churham

YFNMB = Your Friendly Neighboorhood Mortgage Broker

Posting on behalf of Subprime. His write up, my added notes in italics.

28 strong gathered in fear of Subprime’s first Q at Rameses. Our text exchange the night before: Me: “Ready for your Q?” SP: “I am ready!” Me: “Not sure everyone else is ready.” He exceeded high expectations and we expect this is the first of many Qs for Subprime.

Run to Upper Lot

Warm Up: SSH x25, Air Squats x15, Imperial Wizard x15 (I’m not sure what an Imperial Wizard is, but they were a lot like Imperial Walkers), Merkins x20 cadence count

Run to Intramural Fields

The Thang: 10 Burpees, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Jumping Lunges, then run across field and back, 5 sets total with last set being 15 of each, plank it out. Nice intro Subprime, this was brutal, and no breaks…beautiful. Side note: Spooky is sneaky strong, gave Adolphus a run for his money.

Run to Fetzer Bleachers

10 Derkins, 10 Count Plank (2 sets) again, no break between, 25 Box Jumps, 20 Step Ups each leg (was looking forward to the next set of Derkins, but if you don’t run out of time its not technically your first Q)

Run to Law School Parking Lot

90 second wall squat (no way that was only 90 seconds)

Run back to OEC

<address>Mary: LBCs, Peter Parkers (“oh I get it…Spiderman!” – Prancing Horse), Mileys, LSF</address>