Plethora of Goodness

April 14, 2017

WHEN: 04/14/2017
QIC: Assisi
PAX: Assisi, Bushwood, Choo-choo, Chubbs, DOI, Draper, Floyd, Foot Fault, Happy Gilmore, Juco, Knoxville, Misery, My Little Pony, Peach, Screech, Shake It, Slow Pitch, Soda Popinski, Tuco, Two-Ply, Worm Burner (FNG)

There was a plethora of goodness this Good Friday at the Falcon, as 21 PAX met for a warm-weather beatdown. The fun started early for three runners (fast horses! Peach, Juco, and the indefatigable Shake It), who dodged snakes and traffic to sneak in a few pre-workout miles. At the ME, the North Durham miracle continued to unfold, as Chubbs introduced yet another FNG from the area.
We warmed up in the upper lot before pairing off for some lumberjack pull-ups under the covered walkway. These were manly man pull-ups; the I-beams were merciless on one”s hands. PAX rotated through sets of up to ten, performing 15 merkins while their partner added to the team total. Once each pair reached 150 total pull-ups (or 80 for the singleton), they took their place in a wall-sit, passing back and forth a cinderblock. Strong work by all.
We then moseyed to the bottom of the hill for some lazy Doras. Talk about goodness! One partner planked while the other did 10 plank-jacks, until the pair reached 100 total. Then, one partner did 10 jump squats while the other held a low-squat hold, until the pair reached 100 total. Rinse and repeat.
PAX then did a mighty bear crawl up the hill, past the traffic circle–where they did 15 burpees and 15 tuck jumps before cruising back down for mountain climbers until all had returned. We then switched to crab walk (to the bottom of the traffic circle only), followed by 15 more burpees and tuck jumps before returning to start and SSHs until all finished. We had time for only 30 flutter kicks to bring us home.
As usual, much of the goodness came piled on in big heaps at the end. Peach, hero of a last-second Vortex Q this week, celebrated his one-year F3 anniversary. There was more thanksgiving for the safe and healthy arrivals of 2.0s this week (PH and Harbaugh), as well as the formal christening of FNG Worm Burner. YHC celebrated his first Q since the plague struck his household in March, and Juco reminded us all how darn lucky we are to have the group. The crowning moment, however, was hearing how MLP had stepped up to love a friend from out of the area well–supporting him, encouraging him, and asking hard questions. Prayers that life changes would stick for his buddy–and that we would each be as willing to stand up for our friends as MLP was for his.