Partners and Log PT

April 27, 2019

WHEN: 04/26/2019
QIC: Cortés
PAX: Nickelback, Muzungu, Char Broil (FNG), Sudafed, Nubbin, Pusher, Buffay, Toast McQueen, Virgo, Milton, Half back

12 PAX assembled in the gloom including one FNG. Disclaimers given.

Explained to PAX that today YHC is trying to complete a Q to honor Blistex and his contributions to F3, Hillsborough, and specifically Duck and Weave as he helps start F3 Kansas City.

Warm up

Mosey to the top of Parking deck and circle up getting the know the FNG

WMH (IC) x10

LBAC forward then reverse (IC) x 10

Good Mornings (IC) x10

Mountain Climbers (IC) x10

Stretch what you need OYO

To the staircase

Johnny Dramas x 30

Collect logs and move them to the weaver street parking lot

The Thang

Count off and partner up

Two groups of pairs for the rest of the workout

Our two groups would be Log group and movement group with the movement group being the timer then switch so that each group did all 3 exercises and all 3 movements. We had time so we did them all twice (and the PAX groaned).


1)Run to end of parking lot 5 burpees oyo then run back

2)Bernie Sanders to end of parking lot 10 squats then Bernie Sanders to start

3)Bear Crawl to first parking spots 10 Russian hammers (each side) Bears Crawl back

Log PT

1)Biceps curls

2)Overhead press (alternating shoulders)

3)Bent over rows

Part 2: Stay in pairs now the log group is the timer

Log group move logs to end of parking lot and back

Exercise group

Round 1

Partner 1: Suitcase carry cinder/ruck to first parking space and back

Partner 2: Russian Hammers

Round 2

Partner 1: run around first two parking lot islands

Partner 2: cinderblock/ruck swings

Time to return the logs


Plank hold till all the logs properly returned

Superman ring of fire 10 count -expedited by oncoming car


Next week Nickelback has the Q for the third anniversary of the duck and weave and the yearly lesson on the battle of Pueblo

Continued prayers for Milton’s M who had round 4 of chemo treatment yesterday

Welcome FNG Char broil

Prayers for recovery for OnDemand (FNG on Wednesday)

Nickelback took us out


It is an honor to lead, hoping the PAX continue to share F3 and bringing out FNGs or stepping up to Q. If you haven’t been out to the Hillsborough AOs then I would encourage you to as they each offer something unique and better yet sign up to Q and ask the local site Q if you have questions