YHC signed up for a double Q week for my 30th rotation around the bright yellow ball in the sky, this year has a special significance to YHC due to the fact that 1 year ago exactly is when I decided to go out to F3 (took me a further month and a half to actually go). For this week, I wanted the PAX to get a sense of all the things that I have personally enjoyed getting better at as a result of being in the Gloom. Also, since I did two Qs in one week, this will be the BB for both #LazyExceptWhenBurpeesAreAnOption.
To start, the PAX started a mosey around the school, YHC is gonna start with this every time from now on, since the best mumblechatter is done when running, since everyone hates running. The first stop was the far parking lot, where we did escalating burpee counts of 5,10,15,20, with sprints between each end of the parking lot. Starting with 50 burpees sets the tone for the rest of the of the morning. After a plank hold for the 6 to get in, we continued the mosey to the benches for a set of dips and Erkins (YHC miscued the PAX to only get 19 Erkins rather than a much more satisfying 20). Mosey continues to the basketball court, where the PAX did a standard suicide set.
After the PAX get a good taste of running, we moved to the large hill. YHC had the PAX pair up, 1st partner would bear crawl up the hill, 2nd partner did 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs and 10 Squats, then would run to the top of the hill and back to their partner. 2nd partner would pick up the bear crawl where their partner was and 1st partner would do their set of 10s. Rinse and repeat until both partners were at the top (Boucher and Cardiac were partnered up which really undercut the amount of time YHC believed this would take).
We then Moseyed around the pickle, down the street and stopped at the corner for a multicultural lesson with Squat hold, Plank Hold and 6 Inch Leg Hold (multicultural because several PAX chose to do their ten count in a foreign language).
YHC then decided to fulfill a PAX’s (WeedNFeed) desire to repeat a new routine, pioneered by YHC a few weeks ago during a Q. The PAX were instructed to crawl bear up the parking lot hill, burpees, then bear crawl down, and burpees.
To wrap up the morning, the PAX had to de-escalate their Burpee ladder in the far parking lot. Mosey back to flag for COT.
Announcements: Wear Yellow for Ellie, F3 brother in F3 Naperville, Noonan, passed away unexpectedly during a solo run, reminder to bring another PAX during workouts to ensure 2ndF and safety if a bad situation arises. New Carpex AOs just south of the boarder, trying to get additional support from Churham for these sites.
Having drank and been merry on a great day of relaxation, other than posting at Whoville, YHC had the opportunity and desire to remind the PAX of SoDu (or FloDu according to Floyd) why turning 30 is such a great event. The premise of the morning was for YHC to come to terms with 30, and the take all the PAX on that journey as well.
After a few GMs and Windmills to limber up, the PAX Moseyed around the Peanut (taking a slight detour to grab YHC’s gloves), to the soccer field for the ME. The PAX were to do a Four Corners routine, with 30 reps of the exercise at each corner, then quick mosey around the perimeter of the field to the next corner. First round was Merkins on the way out, and Squats on the way back, 120 total of each. The PAX had the choice to PUT6 or Plank hold until the 6 was in. 2nd round was LBCs on the way out, and 30 jump lunges (per leg thanks to a suggestion from Bellhop) on the way back in, 120 total of each. PAX could PUT6 or Squat hold for the 6. For the third round, the PAX were to Bunny hop around the Penalty Box and Frog Jump back. For the Fourth round, the PAX moved to the Goalie box, and Bear Crawled out and Crawl Beared back.
YHC then took the PAX to the small wall near the concession stand, where we did two rounds of 15 dips and 15 Homer-To-Marge. YHC did request WeedNFeed to explain why this exercise was called Homer to Marge but alas, that did not happen.
To wrap up the morning, the PAX Moseyed a Bird’s Eye view of 30 around the Peanut.
Announcements: 3rdF opportunity at Parkwood Elementary on 2/22, DM Bellhop on Slack for Details or check out #F3_SouthDurham. Reminder for another recon post at Whoville, the Carpex Wednesday AO that is launching at Hortons Creek Elementary just across the border. Prayers for Clipboard’s Cousin who suffered a Brain Aneurism.