Line Em’ Up Boys

April 10, 2017

WHEN: 04/10/2017
QIC: Adolphus
PAX: Big Sky, RGIII (FNG), Boyardee, Grunge, Link, Bunyan, Bellding, Stickman, Rebar, Yanni, Stinky Pete, Goat Cheese

With the majority of the Thicket crew being swallowed up by Spring Break and other Spring time shenanigans, the turn out for the 2nd installment of Guest Q month would be impressive. Our fearless leader Adolphus would pull up to the AO bright and early for an EC ruck and site tour wherein he would plan his beatdown. Three ruckers traversed the Thicket”s sprawling campus in the pure gloom and enjoyed fellowship under one of the best skies that has been seen all year. Waiting in the parking lot was a band of brothers and 1 FNG ready to get to work. So that”s what we did. If you decided to fartsack this one, well, your loss. The following story is pure fact, and you can”t argue with these facts.
Warm Up
Arm Circles
Mountain Climber (the real ones)
Slow Merkin
Dips, erkins, dips, erkins
Grassy Knoll
Jacob”s ladder to 6 with Squats at the top of the hill and burpees at the bottom
Indian run to pile of cinder blocks – grab a block
clean press x 25
blockees x 10
curl x 25
Indian Run to Pollard
Sprint to stairs
Up and down the stairs with 15 WWIIs at the top
Last set stay at the bottom and complete burpees untill PAX is done
Indian Run back to AO
Sprint all out last 200m to the parking lot
Plank stretches
Guest Q month continues next Monday with Spooky
Next month is VQ month at the Thicket.
Name-O-Rama – and tell you brought you out (a lot of MM and Dueling Banjos, well done boys)
Welcome (FNG) RG3
Adolphus gives a little background on Churham and how it all got started with him and Shooter in a parking lot in Chapel Hill.
A strong thank you and tclaps to Adolphus for coming way out here to the Thicket and taking on the Q.
It”s an honor to have so many great guys in Churham and beyond to share this experience with. It”s always a pleasure to see you, you are welcome any time sir!

Go out today and be the best you can. Learn from your mistakes and build upon them. Find someone who needs F3 in their life, even if they don”t know it, and bring them out. See you soon in the gloom, Aye!