Learned the Truth at 17

August 26, 2021

WHEN: 08/21/2021
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Peppermint Pattie, Barksdale, Cherry Baked, Kia, Spot, Roll Cage, Fiddle Stick, Cool J, Scrooge McDuck

For the uninitiated, this explains the headline. Angst!

Saturday was YHC’s 17th wedding anniversary, so decided to beat the 17 theme into the ground, running through a good quantity of F3 staples for the new guys and old hands alike.

Imperial Walker X 17IC
Hillbilly X 17IC
Good Morning X 7IC
Willie Mays Hayes X 10IC
Michael Phelps X 17IC
LBAC X 17IC and reverse
Seal Clap X 17IC
Overhead clap X 17IC
Cherry Picker X 17IC
Overhead clap X 17IC
Last exercise we will call the Houdini – Spitballing ideas for this Q with my 2.0 after telling him the theme and he came up with this – 2-1/8 8-count body builder. So we did 2 8 counts for 16, then one little crouch for the 17th rep or whatever you want to call it. Told the PAX in advance this was silly – apple didn’t fall far from the tree – and they were not misled.

Run clockwise from half field to far end line and line up in order of finish. Partnered up first and last, second and penultimate, and so on for a classic Dora.

Mode of travel was dealer’s choice – bear crawl/crawl bear or lunge walk – distance was SUPPOSED to be just one-yard shy of 18 yard box for 17 yards but YHC spaced on announcing this. So we all went the whole way.

Exercises were also dealer’s choice
100 merkins – standard or hand release
200 flutter kick or LBC IC
300 squat or jump squat

PAX crushed this

Mosey to rock pile
Rapid fire rock sets – PAX encouraged to get a BIG rock
OHP X 17
Rows X 17
Curls X 17
X 4

Had some help counting out last couple of sets of curls. Biceps and shoulders definitely feeling this one the next day.

Back to field – Crab walk X 17 paces then switch to walk crab X 17 paces, switch and switch OR just lunge walk – crossed the field horizontally

Then several more modes of travel down and back, lunge walk again, sprint and backwards run, maybe one other thing

Hello Dolly X 17IC
Flutter kick X 17IC
Super Slow Butt Bridge to get YHC ready for anniversary festivities X 17IC
Mountain Climber X 17IC
Peter Parker X 17IC

We were at time so didn’t get in the 17 burpees. Darn.


Can’t remember COT because writing this many days later. Sorry!


Fun workout, I hope. 17 a good number for doing lots of different things. Stuck around for Romper Room joined by M and girl 2.0 and was pretty good and smoked throughout. Rest of anniversary day went swimmingly, including excellent dinner at Flapjack’s restaurant, Hawthorne & Wood. Thanks to my brothers for coming out to toast another year of marital bliss. Aye!