Happy to welcome an FNG today, Bosai. (He actually started on Monday at Kenan). Let’s get right into it…
We started with a good warm up and since it was chilly, we did what I call a 5 x 100 to get us moving. Starting at the corner of the “Arena”, we ran to the first corner, did 5 ‘merkins, and the ran back and did 5 more. We then ran to the second corner and back doing ‘merkins at each corner along the way and back. We then went to the third corner, and then to the forth. All in all, it was 100 ‘merkins and 5 laps. 5 x 100.
Bridge over the nest (silly name but…)
Partnered up. First partner starts bear crawling, second does 10 squats, 10 step lunges and 10 LBCs. Then catches up with his partner who runs back and does a set of exercises. We did this a few times…
Then we mosied to the playground and did 20 overhand rows, followed by 20 WWII followed by 20 underhand rows, followed by 20 LBC followed by 20 overhand rows, followed by… (some other AB workout) and finished with another 20 underhand rows and another 20 AB somethings.
We then tried to do a lap where we planked and the last person bearcrawled to the front (like ricky bobby) but I think the PAX was burned out on bear crawling so we stopped. Fair enough.
Balls to the wall till you fall. (Then do people’s chair) Malware is the man!
Back to the AO for some Mary (perhaps we did a few DIPS first, who’s counting?