Heavy Dora got Skinny

July 6, 2018

WHEN: 07/06/2018
QIC: Griswold
PAX: Bunyan, Dive, Dueling Banjos, Duplo, GTL, Horny Toad, Mumbles, Stubbs, Sussudio, Wreckless, Zika, Zook, Griswold

This was the final day of YHCs Freedom Five Pack of Qs. The tour hit The Thicket, The Jag, The Big House, AMRAP, and ended with a bang at The Wall. It has been a great experience to try to up the ante on each workout, and so the goal was t have this be no exception, YHC truly hopes it reached that mark. That will be for the 13 PAX to decide.


SSH x 20 IC

Mountain Climber x 10 IC

Imperial Walker IC x 10

LB Arm Circles Forward x 10

LB Arm Circles Reverse x 10

Big Arm Circles Reverse x 1


The Thang:

YHC had an idea for the grass hill and some Dora for today’s Q. It may not have been terribly original, but it was terrible. A little collaboration from the one and only Zika helped to up the misery factor as he rolled up on the Wall with his cache of cinderblocks in tow.

The first evolution of Dora was Heavy Dora. The PAX paired up with no care for size and each pair found a block to get acquainted with. In accordance with Dora/Heartbreak standards, one PAX ran the hill while one PAX worked, then switched.

The work with the Cinderblock:

100 Overhead Press

200 Squats

300 Curls

Once this was finished, it was time to revisit Dora, after she lost about 28 lbs. (translation: no more Cinderblock).

The same pairs started a new Dora/Heartbreak. Same deal. One PAX runs the hill while the partner works, then switch.

The work without the block:

100 Squats (because we needed more squats!)

200 Merkins

300 LBCs (Single Count)

After the second Dora the PAX looked a little spent, so some recovery burpees were in order. 11 recovery burpees seemed to put the collective spring back in the step.



Time was short, but on Independence week time can always be found for some:

American Hammers IC x 25




BC Cookout is planned for 9/8. $5 per family to help offset some of the costs. A signup sheet is up so we can have an idea of HCs and how many family members will be coming through. The sheet also has a place for volunteers for cooking. We are looking for volunteers to grill some meat as well as bring sides. Drinks are always appreciated as well.



Time is often short in the mornings in the Griswold household, and something like the Global challenge of hitting all AOs in the region, or the master Q isn’t really possible at this point. The idea of doing something like that does appeal to YHC, so in an effort to replicate that type of experience YHC decided to make a Q Five Pack, and this was a great week to do it. The intended benefit was to comtinue on my journey of upping my fitness game and getting better at writing workouts for the PAX. The actual result was better. It allowed me to grow in my fellowship and leadership as well. The overall benefit and accomplishment is something I am very happy to have had, and encourage everyone to find a way to do something similar. If you are able to do one of the existing challenges like a global challenge or master Q, go for it! If not, make up your own. Everything we do at an F3 workout will increase our fitness for sure, but adding an extra wrinkle will go a long way towards developing us all around as leaders and in our families and our communities.

As always, it has been an honor to lead, and I thank all the PAX for putting up with me for the course of an entire week.