Fall Temps and Humidity: They’re Real and They’re Spectacular

September 3, 2021

WHEN: 09/03/2021
QIC: Brotox
PAX: RG3, Dueling Banjos, Marky Mark, Yanni, Duplo, Mothman, Splashback, Paper Jam, Germ, Rambler, Quint, Chum, Nighthawk

The endless heat and humidity finally broke with promises of cool temps and low humidity.  The meteorologists did not dissapoint–it was a spectacular morning.


  • Side Shuffle Hops x38 IC (38 being a shoutout to Nighthawk’s Vols’ putting up 38 points in their win last night. It will probably be the last time all fall anybody other than Nighthawk cares about what Tennessee football is doing).
  • Imperial Walker x10 IC
  • Slow Squats x10 IC
  • Good morning x10 IC
  • Michael Phelps x10 IC

Thang 1

Relocate from the parking lot to the grass for a round of Jack Webb (1 Merkin/4 Overhead Presses, 2 Merkins/8 Overhead Presses…up to 10 Merkins/40 Overhead Presses).  Once done, we moseyed the long way around the block to the bottom of the longer, shallower hill at The Wall for Thang 2.

Thang 2

Partner up for Catch Me If You Can. Partner 1 starts bear crawling.  Partner 2 does 5 burpees and then runs to catch Partner 1.  Once caught, they flapjack with Partner 2 bear crawling and Partner 1 doing burpees.  Repeato until your group is at the top of the hill, then come back to pick up the 6.

Once at the top of the hill, we repeated a round of Catch Me If You Can with crabwalking and 8 WWIIs.  We moseyed back to the picnic tables for Thang 3.

Thang 3

Another round of Jack Webbs, this time starting with 1 In-Cadence Step Up and 4 Squats and working up to 10 In-Cadence Step Ups and 40 Squats.  Since this Jack Webb is with leg exercises, Cosmo once tried to name it Jack Wegs…the F3 Nation Exicon commitee wasn’t buying it.

There was lots of watch-checking during Thang 3 as several PAX were just sure that I wasn’t going to finish in time.  The quality of my Q’s may suck, but the timing of my Q’s is usually pretty good…as expected, we finished Thang 3 right on time and circled up with a few seconds to spare.


The Bull (Durham’s CSAUP) is Saturday, October 30th.  Would be nice to get a Chatham contingent to head up there and support them.


Historical Churham analytics have shown that September is typically one of the top months for attendance.  The weather is cooler, the summer travel is over, and PAX are starting to get into their fall routine.  Reach out to guys you haven’t seen over the summer to get them back out.  Q opportunities are out there.  Check the sheets early in the week and consider picking up a Q if you find an open space at a workout you’re planning to attend.  Until next time, aye!


Quote of the morning goes to Germ: “Never thought I’d say this, but this workout makes me miss Yanni’s balls from last week.”