Deconstructed and Reconstructed Burpees

March 5, 2021

WHEN: 03/05/2021
QIC: Maraschino
PAX: Bright Idea, Doi, Dueling Banjos, Duplo, Homegrown Berry, Marky Mark, Nitro, Stick, Yanni

“Every now and then, it’s important for a Q to remind everyone that burpees do indeed still suck.”–Marky Mark

3 for EC pullups and 3 Merkins (no more, no less) led by Bright Idea.  No theme today.  Just wanted to take everyone’s favorite exercise (the burpee), deconstruct it, and then put it back together again in new and improved ways.

The 'Royal' Burpee – Boot Camp & Military Fitness Institute



10 IW

20 Seal Jacks

10 WMHs

20 Mountain Climbers IC

10 slow Merkins


Counted off and explained the mission:  to deconstruct the burpee.

Moseyed to 1st corner of loop around the AO.  20 Air Squats

Moseyed to 2nd corner.  20 Air Squats.  20 Groiners.

Moseyed to 3rd corner.  20 Air Squats.  20 Groiners.  20 Merkins.

Moseyed to 4th corner.  20 Air Squats.  20 Groiners.  20 Merkins.  20 Bobby Hurleys.

Moseyed back to AO.  20 Air Squats.  20 Groiners.  20 Merkins.  20 Bobby Hurleys.  10 burpees.

How To Do A Burpee | The Right Way | Well+Good - YouTube

Moved to pavilion and grabbed some bench.

3 rounds of dips, step-ups, and Urkins.

1st and 2nd rounds:  20 each

3rd round:  15 each

****At some point during these exercises, YHC called Beaujolais to count.  He then learned that Beaujolais was not there, at least not in bodily form.  YHC is still convinced someone was speaking with a French accent during the deconstructed burpees.***


Returned to AO.  Requested that each PAX develop an “improved” version of the burpee, i.e., like a burpee but harder.  Not all of the PAX seemed to understand that instruction.*

Each PAX demonstrated the improved burpee, and we all did 4 of each.

Burpee variations included:

  1.  Double-pump, hand-release burpee
  2. Superman burpee
  3. Double pump burpee
  4. Australian burpee*
  5. Break dancer burpee
  6. Regular burpee*
  7. Tyler Hansbrough burpee (sans the bloody nose)
  8. Fake burpee*
  9. Clock burpee
  10. Seal burpee



Ring of Fire (plank hold):  Each PAX had to complete one of the burpees listed above without it being their own or repeating one.




  1.  Murph training begins this coming Monday at The Thicket.
  2. Stick announced the Maltz Challenge.  More details here:


YHC closed by reminding the PAX that working out does not instantaneously make us stronger.  We break down muscle, which then rebuilds.  YHC encouraged us to take this approach to have the challenging conversations with our family members, friends, and co-workers–knowing they would be hard but would make us stronger.  Aye!

Burpee Seeds and Plants - Home Garden, Vegetable Seeds, Annual Flowers -  Burpee