Bert… for time?

November 6, 2018

WHEN: 11/06/2018
QIC: Nightshift
PAX: Quicken, Nescafe, Rebar, Fieri, Catskill
Cpl. Albert Gettings is survived by his wife, Stephanie Palimino; parents, David and Juliet; and sister, Cori.

2 pax hit the playground at 5 for pull-ups, reverse crunches, inverted rows, and pikes. Then came the fun. Hero WODs are workouts named and performed in honor of a fallen soldier. The Bert WOD was created to honor U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings, 27, of New Castle, Pennsylvania. He died on Jan. 5, 2009, while conducting counter-sniper operations in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl. Gettings was serving as a team leader with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, at the time of his death.

Every quarter, Cpl. Gettings’ fellow Marines in Fox Company complete a workout in his honor as part of the Cpl. Albert P. Gettings Award ceremony.

This particular WOD is to be done “for time.” I can tell you from our experience today that finishing before the buzzer at a 45min AO is possible but not guaranteed. Modifications are worth consideration. Technically, the run should be 400m. We didn’t have a regulation track, hence the 325m runs. There are other modifications suggested on this handy online WOD resource.

Warm up

50 burpees
325-m run
100 merkins
325-m run
150 back lunges
325-m run
200 squats
325-m run
150 back lunges
325-m run
100 merkins
325-m run
50 burpees