Backs n’ Jacks

August 27, 2020

WHEN: 08/27/2020
QIC: Nighshift
PAX: Bump Draft, Spooky, Green Acres, Nacho Libre, Motorboat, Catskill, Shark Tank

EC focused on the posterior chain, aka our backs. Technically curls are not focused on the back, but we’re men… must do curls! ERRRRRR!!! 40sec work 20sec rest:
• LT leg deadlifts
• RT leg deadlifts
• RT arm rows
• LT arm rows
• Swings
• Curls
• Repeat

Warm Up: SSH, Seal Jacks, Smurf Jacks, Oblique Jacks(aka Hillbillies), Jack Ass Merkins

ME: Mosey to the front of the school for Black Jack. 20 step back Lunges, run down, 1 squat, run back up. 19 and 2 and so forth. Picked up the six.
Used parking spot for traveling Jack Webbs. Bear crawl a spot, 1:4 ratio of Merkins and overhead press. bear crawl 2 spots, 2 Merkins, 8 overhead press. Continued til 8. Picked up the six.

Mary: Plank jacks, crab jacks