A Series of Highly Exothermic Reactions

September 14, 2018

WHEN: 09/10/2018
PAX: Hightower, EZ Pass, Papa, Foghorn Leghorn, Uzi, Blackball, Dogwood, Appomattox, Slug, Spooky, Shooter, Tailspin, Timber, Giuliani (FNG), TB

Kenan is a great AO that offers the entirety of UNC campus within relatively short mosey-in’ distance. YHC wanted to share a bit of his own history and time at Carolina with the PAX and so decided that a trip to the chemistry department was in order.

EC: Uzi and YHC did the Pine. YHC’s first time doing the Pine, and it was everything he thought it would be (and more!).


SSH (20), Imperial Walkers (10), Willie Mays Hayes (10), Hamstring stretches (10 count on each leg), and Good mornings (10).

The Main Event:

The group mosey’d to the Kenan parking lot, nested behind Kenan and Morehead labs and next to Murray/Venable Hall. Can’t count the number of times YHC parked here to come back to the lab after dinner or to come in on the weekends to get some work done. To try and convey some of the feeling of those years, the PAX did 100 LBCs upon arrival.

Then, a bit of catch me if you can…

PAX partnered up. One partner began bear crawling, the other partner did 8 burpees then ran to catch the bear crawler. Partners then swapped: the bear crawler started burpees, and the runner started bear crawling. Repeato for a full lap around the parking lot, then plank until all PAX finished.

Second lap: lunge walks for traveling, 10 merkins before running to catch the lunge walker. After all PAX finished, plank hip dips (10 on each side).

Third lap: bunny hop for traveling, 20 LBCs before running to catch the bunny hopper. After all PAX finished, plank leg lifts (10 on each side).

The PAX then mosey’d to the Murray/Venable hall courtyard.

Some wall was found for dips (15) in cadence, then plank climbers (plank facing wall, in cadence, first count bring your left hand onto the wall, second count bring your right hand up onto the wall as well, third count bring your left hand back down to the ground, fourth/rep count bring your right hand back down to the ground to get back into plank, 20). Then back to the dips (10) in cadence.

Mosey up the bright stairs, PAX circled up for a squat pyramid (10 to 15 to 10) and a merkin pyramid (5 to 10 to 5).

Mosey back to the AO with just enough time for 20 WWIIs.

Announcements/prayer requests: Kenan Stadium 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb put on by the UNC ROTC on Tuesday 11 Sept 2018. Stair climb starts at 0600. Beano will lead EC starting at 0500 for those who are interested. Arrive by 0545 to get organized for a prompt start.

Welcome FNG Giuliani!