14 pax showed up to begin post-IPC life at The Falcon. The weather has cooled and the dew is down, but we still got after it in the gloom. Beano wasn’t there blaring his gigantic speaker, and there was nary a cinder block in sight. Still, the men posted. Programming called for minimal running and a balance of upper, lower, and core work. With tennis courts closed, YHC had to improvise a bit on the fly. The work was done, and we were grateful and proud to do it.
A quote I’ve been pondering: “Why shouldn’t your truth, justice, and self-control shine until you are extinguished?” This is from Marcus Aurelius. On one level, it is a question of character. On another level, it is a question of longevity of behavior, belief, and, underlying all that, an appeal to the unwavering hammer and chisel we deliver to ourselves, mentally and physically. The pursuit of betterment inspires others, and it does not matter what your baseline is. F3 serves as a platform for the expression of your desire to get better. If you are just checking boxes, you are doing it wrong. If you will allow the workouts to serve a greater purpose than merely a physical test, then you are passing a much more important crucible – and then it all becomes something that is greater than the sum of its parts, something greater than F3 itself.
Mosey to walkway:
2 minutes max merkins, 2 minutes max squats, max balls to the wall, and people’s chair (alternating legs up).
Down to the parking lot. YHC felt there was too much mumblechatter in the walkway. So the only cure for mumblechatter is to punch it right in the face. Suicide time:
Halfway and back and all the way and back.
- Round 1: Bunny Hop
- Round 2: Bear crawl with 10 burpees at baseline
- Round 3: Sprint with 20 merkins at turnaround and 10 merkins at baseline.
Bottom of hill near the entrance to the track:
10 burpees, backwards run to traffic circle, one-legged bear crawl around circle, 100 jump squats (4 sets of 25).
Mary: 50 flutter kicks
CoT: Prayers to Bells’ FiL and family in managing through cancer progression.