EC focused on the posterior chain, aka our backs. Technically curls are not focused on the back, but we’re men… must do curls! ERRRRRR!!! 40sec work 20sec rest:
• LT leg deadlifts
• RT leg deadlifts
• RT arm rows
• LT arm rows
• Swings
• Curls
• Repeat
Warm Up: SSH, Seal Jacks, Smurf Jacks, Oblique Jacks(aka Hillbillies), Jack Ass Merkins
ME: Mosey to the front of the school for Black Jack. 20 step back Lunges, run down, 1 squat, run back up. 19 and 2 and so forth. Picked up the six.
Used parking spot for traveling Jack Webbs. Bear crawl a spot, 1:4 ratio of Merkins and overhead press. bear crawl 2 spots, 2 Merkins, 8 overhead press. Continued til 8. Picked up the six.
Mary: Plank jacks, crab jacks