Keep It Movin’ (Run, Steel, Repeat)

March 6, 2019

WHEN: 03/06/2019
QIC: Soybean
PAX: Botched, Brick, Elf, Knope, Legacy, Looney, Misery, Nails, OPEC, Pedialyte, Soybean, Vespa

When temps are in the mid-20s, as it was on this gloomy Ash Wednesday morning, the best (and only) option is to keep it movin’. Move cold steel = keep PAX warm. And that’s what we did. 12 PAX resisted the urge to stay comfy in their beds and drove to a church parking lot to get stronger — physically and mentally.

SSH x 20 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
“Ice, Ice Baby” – Alternating Shoulder Taps / Plank Jacks, performing Merkins on “Ice, Ice Baby” (20+ in all)
(T-claps to Brick for the inspiration here; check out the #houseofpain Slack channel for some good banter with Misery and Elf on future musical Q options).

Partner Up / P1 gets steels, P2 circles islands, rendezvous bottom of lot for AMRAP steel and AYG run repeats.

Round 1
P1: Curls, P2 Runs up parking lot and back, flapjack
P1: Tricep Extension, P2 Runs up lot and back, flapjack
P1: Bent Over Rows, P2 Runs up lot and back, flapjack
P1: Upright Rows, P2 Runs up and back, flapjack
Smurf Jack until all done

Round 2
P1: Shoulder Press, P2 Shuffles to 2nd island and back, flapjack
P1: Goblet Squat and Press, P2 Shuffles to 2nd island and back, flapjack
P1: Clean and Jerk, P2 Lunges to 1st island and back
P1: Air Dramas, P2 Lunges to 1st island and back
Plank Jack until all done

Round 3
P1: Wide Grip Merkins, P2 Runs up and back with steel @ 90 degree hold, flapjack
P1: Carolina Dry Docks, P2, Runs up and back with steel @ 90 degree hold, flapjack
P1: Mountain Climbers, P2 Runs to 2nd island and back with steel overhead, flapjack
P1: Burpees, P2 Runs to 2nd island and back with steel overhead, flapjack
Air squats until all done

Planned Finale (but ran out of time)
P1: On 6, Bench Press w/legs 6 inches off ground, P2 runs the whole circle, flapjack
P1: On 6, Tricep extension w/legs 6 inches off ground, P2 backwards runs up, sprints back
Low squat hold until all done

LBCs x 25 IC
Lance Armstrongs x 20 IC (sorry, Elf, ran out of HGH)
Sweat Angels x 15 IC
Peter Parkers x 10 IC Sweat Angels
Parker Peters x 10 IC
Australian Snow Angels (on 1, same motion as Sweat Angels) x 10 IC

What: Churham 2ndF Spring-ish Family Event
When: THIS Saturday (3/9) – Noon start
Where: Hi-Wire Brewing Durham
Food: Kono Pizza Food Truck or BYO

Prayer for Sweats, whose family is struggling with the Norovirus (and battled with it himself)

It didn’t dawn on YHC until the drive home that today was Ash Wednesday. Growing up Catholic, this day was a big deal. Everyone was going to ‘get their ashes’ as they kicked off Lent. As a kid, the point of Lent seemed to be giving up candy or something else that mattered – a form of self sacrifice that joined one’s own deprivation to that of our Savior on the cross. It makes me think about the nature of suffering – some folks experience it every day, and they don’t choose that reality. Some of us get up every morning and make a decision to feel a little temporary pain.

What YHC has come to believe about Lent (and suffering in general) is that it’s always worth the extra effort to deny ourselves something. We live such privileged, comfortable 1st world, Western lives. We always have our daily bread. Even when we think we’re suffering lack, let’s face it: we’ve got more than we need. Every moment that we choose to say “I don’t need _____” is a moment of victory over the flesh, which is weak (Matthew 26:41) and an opportunity to rest in strength that comes not from ourselves (2 Cor 12:9-11).

Yes, we fight physical and mental battles every morning to flip the fartsack into freedom from the flesh. But my prayer for all of us as we enter these 40 days that lead to Easter is that we’d achieve spiritual victories – more time trusting and tapping into the power greater than ourselves, courage to do the right thing even when it’s hard, and leaning into love every day…kinda like this:

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
(Phil 2: 1-6)

Steel yourselves, men, and keep it movin’.
Be strong in the faith.
Someone in your life is looking to you for servant leadership today.