1 Timothy 4:8

March 22, 2021

WHEN: 03/22/2021
QIC: Nightshit
PAX: Boucher, Big Kat, Slub, Arther, Dogwood, Disc

You know I love Hero and Tribute WODs. It’s as close to a theme as you’re likely to get when this simpleton has the Q. My hero is Jesus. Today’s plan is intended as the first of many Tributes to the one who saves. Bible scripture will serve  triple duty. Firstly, it will provide a name. Secondly, it will frame the routine. For example, today was Timothy 4:8-> 4 rounds of 8 minutes. Lastly, but I pray the most impactful, this will encourage us to focus on biblical teachings.

Here’s today’s scripture.

8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. (‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ESV)


SSH, burpees, and Scenic route Mosey to Hooker fields.


4:8 min rounds. We lined up on the goal line. After 3 exercises were completed, pax traveled to the next line. Rinse and repeat for 8 minutes.

Rd 1

  1. 10 Diamond Merkins
  2. 10 Ranger Merkins
  3. 10 Wide Merkins
  4. Bear Crawl

Rd 2

  1. 10 Squat Jumps
  2. 10 Tuck Jumps
  3. 10 Sumo Squats
  4. Lunge Walk

Rd 3

  1. 10 Seal Clap
  2. 10 Overhead Clap
  3. 10 hallelujahs
  4. Traveling burpees

—DID NOT HAVE TIME FOR ALL 4 ROUNDS, but here it was as evident that the plan was there… if not the execution.

Rd 4

  1. 10 WW2s
  2. 10 Heels to Heaven
  3. 10 LBCs
  4. Crab Walk


6” hold, flutters, 6”, box cutters, 6”