Ran up to the AO this morning to see three PAX setting a new weighted bear crawl F3 world record. Well done fellas
10 Michael Phelps
15 Pot Stirrers (Each Arm)
1o slow Willy mayes hays
10 slow High Knees
25 side shuffle hops
Merkin Mile — Run .25 mile, 25 Merkins. Repeat X4
Make our way to the bubble (bball court)
- 1 min people chair
- 1 min plank hold
- 1 min people chair
- 1 min plank hold
- balls to the wall (10 count each PAX)
make our way to benches
- Some sets and reps of dips, step-ups, erkins, derkins, lunges (one leg on bench)
- Ring of fire low squat hod, 3 burpees each
- LBCs x20
- Flutter Kicks x20
- Heel taps x20
- Freddy Mercury’s x 20
I ended 3 minutes and 30 seconds early. sorry to rob you fellas
- Support Yanni and his 11 mile swim….https://www.mightycause.com/story/Jordan11
- Stubbs, you’re a pretty big dude huh?
So recently I’ve been spending sometime thinking about how I can make the times my son is going through right now memorable. The last thing I want is for him to look back on 202 and not have any good memories. That doesn’t mean we have to go out and do amazing things (although swimming 11 miles is pretty epic). You know I remember doing stupid things with my dad that I loved as a kid but with my mom some of the best memories I have are just sitting on the couch laughing and watching Seinfeld. Anyways, I just recommend that whatever you are doing, do your best to make it memorable. Your kids, families, and friends will thank you. Until next time in the gloom. Aye!