You Guys are Gonna Hate This

October 25, 2017

WHEN: 10/25/2017
QIC: Tatertot
PAX: 3-Peat, Avalanche, Chubbs, Crockett, Green Egg, Mr. Brady, Mr. Kimble, Roach, Screech, Scrooge McDuck, Tatertot
Four PAX met for 0500 EC Ruck through Croasdaile. Roach tried out YHC’s old ruck and didn’t want anything of it (…yet). He decided to just run the loop instead. He’s not anti-Rucking, just wants to build up to it. Meanwhile Chubbs is totally anti-15 min pace and double-timed the first mile of the ruck. We did a 13:45 first mile, great pace! tClaps to Avalanche for coming up from the other side of Durham County to join us.
Arm Circles (forward and backward) Question: Are they “Arm Circles” or “Little Baby Arm Circles”? Mr. Brady rightfully pointed out that baby arm circles eventually get bigger. I believe he’s correct. 
Willie Mayes Hayes
Harvesters (formerly Cotton Pickers)
Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers
Two laps around the parking lot – 1 regular, 1 with butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke and sprint to the end.
The Thang
Dora 1-2-3
When surveyed, NONE of the PAX had done a Dora before! NONE! YHC is shocked. They do them all the time in North Atlanta. They are killer, take up time, and a great partner workout. In the shock and subsequent explanation of a Dora, YHC mentioned to clearly manage expectations “Doras are great, you guys are totally going to hate this.” 
Pair up – 1 goes for a run down the gravel road behind the school and back. Second Partner does exercises. The pair must complete 100 dips on the rail, 200 merkins, 300 squats.
This was a good push. Lots of good chatter and guys dug deep. The PAX completed squats as a group with the final pairs. 
Swerkins and BTTW
Guys, there are 11 swings on the front playground at Hurricanrana, 11 PAX. HOW ABOUT THAT?!?? Some PAX have never done a Swerkin before (in before Riggs comments that YHC really never has either….), so YHC had the thought “Guys, you’re gonna hate this – Swerkins and Balls the the Wall!”
15 Swerkins in cadence, run to the wall for 45 seconds of BTTW. Repeato.
Mosey back to parking lot for Mary.
Russian Hammers, Heels to Heaven, Flutter Kicks.
  • tClaps to Avalanche and Screech for coming up our way! Thanks for visiting, you are welcome back any and every Wednesday. (We made a plug for The Eagle – Mondays at Creekside Elementary – 0530)
  • Buy a shirt! Link is here: ORDER CLOSES NOV 3RD
Prayers for LP’s recovery and any other PAX dealing with cancer and sickness in their families
Prayers for Mr. Kimble’s Kindergarten field trip today – safety, fun, no kids get lost.