Vice’s Devices at Skunk

January 12, 2022

WHEN: 01/12/2022
QIC: Vice
PAX: Bush League, Denali, RoyGBiv, Dingy, Toast McQueen, Milton, Bed Pan

With a new year and the holiday season behind us, Santa gave to me a few new F3 toys to share with the boys. The them of the workout is a countdown in a  ladder style while rotating through the different stations.

Warmarama- SSH, Forward and Reverse Arm Circles, WMH, Michael Phelps, Manafort Goodmornings

The THANG- 12 stations with a tabata timer

Station 1- balance board- working on stability (I forgot to set up this station)

Station 2 – overhead pass with the ball. Take the light weight ball and pass it back and forth until the timer says time to switch.

Station 3- farmers carry- grab the two sand bags and walk down and back

Station 4- new toy- gorilla bow, use the handle of the bow as a base and then chest press

Station 5 – Ball toss- take the weighted ball bend down and using an explosive motion throw the ball from the seated squat touching the ground to as high as you can

Station 6- Bowling ball apollo ohnos- hold the bowling ball like you are about go bowling and then do a step back lunge with each leg but don’t let the ball drop… keep that up and isolated

Station 7- punching canonballs and keep them moving so they don’t explode in your hand

Station 8- bands for back muscle extensions

Station 9- sandbag powerups- situp and then chest press and overhead reach with the sandbag till the timer goes off

Station 10- bicep curls with bands

Station 11- mace- curl up to press- another new toy

In between each station we did a burpee and a 20 yard down and back AYG.

Between the two circuits, we did two sets of Bulgarian split squats and low squat hold.

We finished off the workout with 15 star crunch/X factors. 15 each leg. One plank ring of fire. 15- IC dying cockroaches.

COT: Dinghy is having to make a few personal and professional work changes and requested your thoughts and prayers. YHC is particularly having a tough time recently with a F3 guy and I am hoping that we will figure out a way to work together despite our differences, my plea and prayer for all of us is to forgive each other and give each other grace and continue to be a part of something bigger than the individual.  Sign up to q, lots of q sheets are open and let me know if you want a co-q.