01/12/2022 Conjunction Junction – VQ and Ladders

January 12, 2022

WHEN: 01/12/2022
QIC: Yo-Yo
PAX: slug, tricurious, Malware, fishandchips, Big Kat, Oatmeal, Clean Sweep

Shout out to all the PAX at CJ that trusted yhc to keep their heart rates up this morning even though it was my VQ.
Warm Up:
10 Willie Mays IT
20 Arm Circles
10 Slow Merkins

Mosey to side lot for first variation of Jacob's Ladder (did 5 burpees upon arrival to make sure heart rates were up)
-jump squat to hand release merkins

Short mosey to benches in back of school for second variation of Jacob's Ladder
-LBC's to Step ups

Being it my first Q I realized that we had more time than I anticipated at this point so we stopped to do 2 sets of DIPS and some curb toe touches

Mosey to hill in the back for 3rd and true to form Jacobs Ladder according to the F3 Exicon (Important to note…calling for burpees at both the top and bottom of the hill will result in PAX understandably questioning if yhc should have waited a few more months before their first Q)
-Burpees at bottom of hill to American Hammers at top

Mosey back to AO

Freddie Mercuries 20 IC
LBC's 20 IC
Merkins 10
Ring of Fire