Up, Down, Side-to-Side (Anyway but Forwards)

March 13, 2020

WHEN: 03/11/2020
QIC: Coxswain
PAX: Knope, Exhibit A, Sweatervest, Crimson, Sonar, Assisi, Pancake, Wolverine

Introduction: we do a lot of straight-ahead forward motion in F3 so I tried to write a workout filled with sideways, backwards, and other non-linear motions to keep the Pax on their toes.

Warm-up: Good Morning x 10, Windmill x 10, Up-downs Ring of Fire (Pax jog in place, when each Pax yelled “down” all the Pax dropped to his stomach, performed a full barrel roll on the ground, and then popped back up to his feet – the Pax were not pleased with this one, lots of Mumble Chatter)

Dynamic Warm-up: I’m a big advocate of completing a moving dynamic warm-up between our traditional stationary warm-up exercises and the true work sets. This is the dynamic warm-up completed this time: Frankensteins, Airplanes, walking Willie Mays Hays, High Knees, Butt Kicks, and Power Skips.

The Thang: the first step was getting from the parking lot to the steel pile. The method of travel was wheelbarrow…the parking lot feels a lot longer on your hands than on your feet.

Each Pax grabbed a steel bar and mosied over to the two work stations. Each station contained a milk crate listing 5 exercises. Each exercise would be performed for 1 minute (and the Pax were “encouraged” to tackle these minute-long intervals with high intensity). After each interval, the Pax would travel to the other station via a variety of moving exercises. There was no time limit on the inter-station travel…it was a “moving rest.” After all, it’s only 10 minutes of work. How hard can it be?

Hard. The answer is very hard.

The Pax counted off, split into two groups, and got to it!

Station A: shoulder press, bicep curl, reverse lunge with steel overhead, thruster, and bent-over row

Station B: burpee + jump over steel, bear crawl around steel (face same direction whole time), merkin above and below steel, WWII with steel overhead, and front squat with steel

Inter-station Travel: lunge walk (forward & backward), crab walk (forward & backward), run (forward and backward), bear crawl (forward and backward), and wheelbarrow (forward and backward)

Mary: short and sweet. LBCs x 15, oblique LBCs x 15 per side (Crimson recommended calling these “Suzanne Somers” but YHC is too young to get that reference and so “Olique LBCs” it is).

COT: F3 baseball this Saturday (see the baseball channel). Thoughts and prayers for coronavirus victims in our community, country, and around the world. Practice good hygiene!