It feels good to run

March 13, 2020

WHEN: 03/13/2020
QIC: My Little Pony
PAX: Sweats, Cosmo, Botched, Boucher, Bellhop, Pikachu, Pedialyte, Sweatervest

It’s been a weird week hasn’t it? I’m sure I’m not the only one that felt a little overwhelmed at times. It’s easy to let your mind wander to the dark places when faced with uncertainty. But that’s why today, more than most, I was truly grateful to have the chance to lead. It was small dose of normal and a good reminder that life goes on. What does the future hold? No way to know, but I know that today I got out of bed, enjoyed some needed fellowship and just lived in the moment for 45 minutes. Everything else disappeared and it was glorious.

In an odd coincidence, last night I started reading the book Born To Run by Christopher McDougall. It was a Christmas gift that I just hadn’t made the time to pick up yet. And only 11 pages in, I read something that was incredibly fitting for current times. Basically, McDougall says that when things get tough, we humans run more. He cites 3 running booms in our country and directly ties them to the Great Depression, Vietnam/Cold War, and 9/11. Basically, we are instinctive runners and so running is a sort of built in natural coping mechanism in his view.

I took that message to heart and designed a workout that incorporated more running that I traditionally would. And I gotta say, it felt damn good to run! I appreciate all the PAX getting after it and taking the challenge head on. We didn’t high five or buddy carry, but we still connected and I’m grateful for you guys embracing the day with me this morning.


SSH x 20

WMH x 10

Seal Jack x 20

IW x 15

LBAC x 10

RLBAC x 10

Slow Squat x 10

Long Mosey around the soccer field and tennis courts to the bottom of the hill with the traffic circle.

There YHC explained the plan for the ME

At the bottom of the hill we’d be doing 5 exercises in succession. After we completed those, we’d run around the traffic circle and back to the bottom of the hill. Then we’d do the 5 exercises again and the run up the hill twice. Then, exercises again and 3 runs up the hill & back. Then, exercises and we’d complete 2 runs, and then exercises and 1 final run. Basically, a running pyramid.

Exercise were always performed as a group and in this sequence:

5 8-count body builders

10 merkins

15 carolina dry docks

20 bw squats

25 LBC’s

After we completed our pyramid, we head over to the adjacent lot for a Paula Abdul with a twist.

We bearcrawled 2 parking spots, did 2 merkins, crawlbeared back 1 spot, did 1 carolina dry dock, rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Was hoping we’d get the whole lot done, but we only made it about 75% and I think that was ok with all PAX.

Mosey back to Startex for Mary

20 boxcutters

20 fred mercury’s

10 J Lo’s

5 count high/low plank ring of fire to finish

Announcements – live sports opportunity coming up with F3 baseball game, join the baseball channel if you’re interested.

Prayers for everyone in these times. We will all get through this and know the men of F3 will help lead the way.

Also, prayers and actions needed for the kids that depend heavily on their school system for their daily nourishment. Cosmo mentioned the need to donate to food banks now more than ever and Blackball just shared a way you can do that for Chapel Hill Schools on slack.

We got this boys. And remember, when you need to clear your head, just run.