YHC has been wanting to Q HOP for some time. YHC is a #Rameses regular, but always enjoys the change up of a HOP Beat-down. Little did YHC know of the honor to have the Q for Tuco’s “home” AO send-off. Tuco is certainly in the F3Churham Pantheon. Tuco has been the definition of solid. He has led, inspired, encouraged, and caused suffering in such an intense and gracious way. We are excited for his opportunities in our state’s Capital and grateful that he will be only a clown car ride away. Thank you Tuco!
We had double EC’s at HOP this morning as Misery led 4 other PAX on a HOP 5K and Loonie kept Vespa and Tuco busy flipping tires, doing kettle bells and other assorted weight related exercises for 30 minutes…
YHC associates Tuco with baseball due to Tuco’s work with the Durham Bulls many moons ago…so it was decided a baseball theme would be applied to the heavy metal theme and we were curious to see how it would work. For the second Q in as many weeks, YHC was blessed with an ideal number of PAX for the workout concept – in this case 20….
but first the…
Warm up
SSH IC x 20
IW IC x 20
Arm circle IC x 10 (Forward, then backward)
Good morning IC x 10 (slow)
Mountain climbers IC x 20
Windmill IC x 20
Spiderman merkin IC x 20
The Thang
The Pax were instructed to count off by 10 to get 10 teams of two. Then the Pax were instructed to grab a piece of metal and proceed to the corresponding baseball position of the number you counted off as – 1s go to pitcher, 2s go to catcher, 3s go to first base…9s go to right field, 10s proceed to the hitter’s position and begin doing kettle bell swings.
The concept was that the Pax at the pitchers position would call out an exercise and the pax at each of the other positions would do the number of reps that corresponded to the position they were currently stationed – pitcher does one rep, catcher does 2 reps, 1st base does 3 reps…right field does 9 reps. The medal was to be included in each exercise and once each pax completed the corresponding reps, they were to remain in a static position of stress (e.g., low squat hold, mid curl, overhead hold, etc.). Once the Right Field position completed their 9th rep, they were to sprint to the batter position to do the KB swings and the batters would move to the pitcher and they would call the exercise. As is often the case, these concepts were much clearer in YHCs head than he was able to articulate to the Pax. The thought was that this style would allow for some good partnership fellowship as well as some good mumble chatter.
The Pax at the pitcher position were pretty tame until we got hit with the back to back burpees…Felt bad for center field and right field in that one. After each complete rotation (each team of two pax was able to occupy each position), we completed a 70% run around the church. As usual, Assisi’s 70% was roughly equal to my 200%.
After a time or two through, the Pax got the hang of it and we had some good flow and strong efforts – exercises included curls, reverse curls, rows, presses, squats, thrusters, triceps exercises and the aforementioned burpees. We didn’t have time for Mary, but we worked in some flutter kicks, V-ups and other core exercises.
Riggs and a few others paid homage to Tuco and we took the group picture below, each carrying the weight that TUCO was so adept at causing pain with. We are having coffeteria at Bean Traders at 54 in his honor after The Falcon on 7/19 – all are welcome.

There is an upcoming 2nd F at the Pour Taproom in Durham
Be on the look out for a 3rd F Bible Study in the future.
Tuco led us out with words of gratitude and support.
Thanks to Tuco and good luck with the transition.