Trying new things

August 29, 2018

WHEN: 08/29/2018
QIC: Cortés
PAX: Toast McQueen, Buffay, Milton, Pusher, Nubbin, Dial Up, McCroix, Nickleback, Muzungu, Cortés (QIC)

YHC looks forward to leaning in and trying new things as the Q, I am still new at it and therefore continue to look to see what will make an impact for those who have decided to show up in the gloom. I appreciate the help with counting and have found some exercises that wont happen again during my Q and that is OK. All that is to say … this is what we did this morning

Warm Up:

Good Mornings x15 (IC)

LBAC x10 (IC) then Reverse

WMH x 10 (IC)

Annie x10 (IC)

Imperial Walkers x 20 (IC)

The Thang:

Part 1: “Red Barchetta”

100 yd dash then 100 SSH OYO *

* Mumble Chatter ensued and it was apparent that the pax were missing Miley Cyrus playing as seems to be the new custom during OYO portions of the workouts at the skunk but YHC only brought light and cones this morning .. maybe next time (probably not)

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

75 yd dash then 75 Mtn Climbers OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

50 yd dash then 50 LBCs OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

25 yd dash then 25 Merkins OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

10 yd dash then 10 burpees OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

Part 2: Introduced the Northern Province to Jack Jack Webbs

Merkin then plank jack (is one count) followed by Air overhead press

We did ratio of 1:4 for a total of 10 Rounds. Ending with 10 merkin/plank jacks and 40 overhead presses *

*10 rounds really did seemed like a nice round number to call Halt

Part 3:

10 yd dash then 10 burpees OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

50 yd dash then 50 LBCs OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6

100 yd dash then 100 SSH OYO

Run back to start hold plank wait for the 6


Time for some more new exercises “on your 6” (Some of each at this point YHC wasn’t counting so well)

Homer (legs extended 6 in off ground) /Marge (Legs extended up to 90 degrees) – Varied Speed (IC)

Sleeping Hillbillies (IC)

Gas Pushers (LBC position Legs out and in shoulders/head stay down)



Week 4 of Iron Pax challenge is posted and encourage the Northern Province to lean in and complete the final week.

Anniversary Q for Pusher at Duck and Weave on Friday

Prayers for those traveling over the Labor Day Holiday

Nickleback took us out


It remains an honor to try and Q/lead the now growing group we have in Hillsborough. It continues to not only be a great way to start the day with 1st F but is also truly 2nd F at the same time. Q sheets are open and all encouraged to sign up and jump in (especially if you are tired of seeing me sign up); It seems the best way to prevent Buffay from making the board of pain reappear.