Triumph, Tragedy, and the Promise of Community

January 27, 2020

WHEN: 01/27/2020
QIC: Bump Draft
PAX: Ice, Splashback, Boyardee, Duplo, Cabaret, Brotox, Bright Idea, Hightower, Spit Bucket, Marky Mark, Pookie (late, Respect), Nitro (Respect), Stubbs, Paper Jam,

I start thinking about my Q’s weeks in advance, generally. This has been bolstered by the fact that I’ve been attending #thebatteringram on Saturday mornings. I modify sections of workouts that I’ve taken part in there. By the way, you should attend both the ME’s and the EC’s, which are led by Uzi.

I realized that I had not taken part in a workout that used that small section of the neighborhood. Additionally, at least since I’ve been a part of F3 (August 2019), we have not performed hill repeats in a boot camp.

Originally, my message was going to discuss, lightly, the political happenings—mostly meaning impeachment. However, the news of Kobe Bryant’s death changed the message and meaning a bit. I’m not going to share my opinion, as a historian and political theorist, except to say that there is a myth about this country being an ‘Eden.’ The myth of the American Adam (prior to European exploration and in England’s North American colonies) can be traced to European explorers and a romanticism that grew out of the early and middle of the 20th century. Remember that there was no national day of Thanksgiving until it was spurred into being during the Civil War.

Image result for kobe bryant number

The first American election (1796) was close (Adams and Jefferson); the election of 1800 went to the House, and Jefferson and Madison threatened to dissolve the Union when John Adams passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, during his one-term presidency.

Image result for john adams

Let’s not be imprisoned by media and the provocations that are generally located to backroom mudslinging by elites. Our prize is that we can be informed, but then choose not to be oppressed by the never-ending stream of information. We must help our respective communities to flourish and realize that that is something very much within our abilities to do.

Image result for community


8 cadence merkins for Kobe’s originally number 8 (Brotox, you forgot that—24 came later);

Ricky Bobby twice around AO parking lot; man in back did 10 front-facing crab walks; eventually two PAX at a time went

5 penalty burpees because Duplo was late

Hill Repeats with a partner (regular run); fast feet at stop sign x15 merkins

My partner was Splashback—I let that happen because I thought he might be more tired for his role as a thrice again new father (it didn’t help me at all)

Second hill repeat was high knees; star jacks at top with x15 merkins

Third repeat was supposed to be something like laterals with one person being a runner and the other a defender; however, Splashback ran from away me like I had coronavirus; (It’s fine)

Fast feet at top x15 merkins

Michael Dukakis up hill (I changed here because Splashback hates running backwards) – I got you back for running away from me. I also accidentally took away his Tuesday workout for #therabbit

Image result for michael dukakis

X15 merkins

Plio-skips to the top with mountain climbers; x 15 merkins

Mosy back to AO; someone said good morning to us, so that was 5 burpees OYO

Back at AO: Bear Crawl Ring of Fire;

We were going to do a burpee ring of fire, but it kind of blew up, so I improvised and had everyone do 24 (Kobe’s most remembered jersey number);


24 Freddie Mercury’s and 16 American Hammers


Q sheets are wide open—please sign up!

Bible Study is this Wednesday night at 8 at House of Hops across from Northwood HS

Push-pull challenge is finalized this approaching Friday