The weather certainly did not disappoint, with temps in the low 60s and low humidity to-boot. 6 PAX met up in the gloom for a ½ rabbit and ½ bootcamp style workout, where we would run to #thewall and then to #thethicket / #amrap, and do a couple of customary exercises at each, and finish up at #thebighouse. As-Is dubbed it the “Tour de AOs.”

Warm Up
Standing hamstring stretch
Trunk stretch
Run down BC Pkwy to #thewall. Commence tunnel o’ balls in a circular fashion around the basket ball court wall. Given the pain that ensued from said tunnel, we decided to skip the bear crawl suicides and mosey over #thethicket.
At the gazebo, dips (x25) and derkins (x20), 2 sets SC. Wanting to be good hosts for the visiting Soybean, we decided to show him some of the trails that BC has to offer. Catching the trail from woods charter up the rocky hill, we circled all the way back to the dog park and back onto Great Ridge.
After a long climb up Great Ridge to BC Pkwy, we finished up at #thebighouse for some figure 8 bear crawls around the stone bugles.
Flutter Kicks
Plank Calf Stretches
Peter Parkers (Soybean)
- 2ndF Briar Chapel picnic on Sept. 8 at the BC Clubhouse.Please RSVP and volunteer to help out. Sign up sheet and details are posted in the #chatham_chatter channel.
The idea of “Tour de AOs” came to me while pushing the kids on swings last night. Not having much time to prepare was likely part of the success here. Don’t be afraid to jump in and try something new even if you don’t have much time to prepare. Present yourself as confident and most people won’t know the difference anyway! It was a fun one, thanks to Horny Toad for pushing me.