The Smash Ball Wins

June 27, 2019

WHEN: 06/27/2019
QIC: Quicken
PAX: Elwood, Candy Crush, Mueller, Palmolive, Nightshift, Groupie, Dr, Evil, Spooky

Today was my 2nd Q at Paradise and I skipped EC to try to make sure I would have some gas in the tank. Hoping to keep the intensity relatively high, I liberally stole ideas from prior Qs. Then I had to ask for 10 counts so I could breathe enough to call out the next exercise…

A total of 9 PAX made it out to the AO this a.m.


SSH X 20 IC, IW X 15 IC, WMH x 10 IC, Arm Circles Forward and Reverse X 10 SC, Slow Merkin x 10 SC, BWS X 15 SC (plus 5 Burpees OYO somewhere in there to celebrate Nightshift’s arrival)


Ricky Bobby with 10# ball and 20# Smash Ball 1.5 loops or parking lot to get to cinder blocks. Then partnered up for combos of parking lot sprints for partner 1 and Blockees for partner 2, switch and repeat. Changed out the Blockees for Overhead Squats, Overhead Press and Curls in successive rounds. Completed 2 cycles of all exercises.

Ricky Bobby with 10# ball and 20# Smash Ball to low wall for Dips X 15 IC, Box Jumps X 10 SC, and Derkins X 15 SC. Completed 3 cycles of all exercises.

Ricky Bobby with 10# ball and 20# Smash Ball back to AO for Plank Ring of Fire. PAX took turns Bear Crawling to the Smash Ball in the center for 2 Merkins with right hand on ball, 2 Merkins with left hand on ball, then return to circle by Crawl Bearing. Then 1 more Plank Ring of Fire with 10# ball rolled to each PAX in the circle twice. Followed by American Hammers (next time we will pass the Smash Ball and not just leave Groupie with it) and LSF X 50 IC per Nighshift.


Announcements: Groupie and others are training for an adventure race. Check the #mountainbiking channel for updates on rides. Metal EC at 5:00 a.m. continues – come out for the full 45 min. EC at Pleasantville and 30 min. at Paradise.

YHC closed with thoughts on gratitude for our health and our ability to come out and exercise and enjoy the F3 community. Also need to thank Groupie for the Smash Ball and Yanni for the Plank Ring of Fire ideas (stolen from his Q at The Jag a couple of days ago).