The Prison Cell

July 6, 2018

WHEN: 07/06/2018
QIC: Dean Wormer
PAX: Dean Wormer, Rudy, Trickle, Tree House, Turnpike, Poser, Selfie, Cheesesteak, Green Acres, Virgo, Tick Tock, Stevie Ray, Zorro (FNG- 16 yo), Harlequin, Manafort

Warm Up

SSH, Body Weight Squats, Up/Down/Overs, Arm Circles, Reverse Arm Circles, Lunges, Backwards Lunges, Eric Heidens, a few hip flow moves, Merkins

Mosey to the soccer fields

Ricky Bobby all the way around SV Community Park, ending at basketball courts

The Thang

All Pax get into a prison cell (roughly 8×8 concrete slab on bball court). Starting at one corner, do 12 burpees, move to next corner, 11 burpees, and so on, moving from corner to corner and descending # of burpees until 1. That’s 78 burpees for those counting at home. Plank when done.


WWIIs, Heels to Heaven, Ring of Fire (mosey back to parking lot), LBCs, some more hip flow stretching, and done.