The Miseducation of Dueling Banjos

May 22, 2019

WHEN: 05/21/2019
QIC: Dueling Banjos
PAX: Chum, Catskill, Rebar

During this workout, YHC revealed that math might not be his best skill. In other news, the Jag never disappoints for the quality of fellowship, workout, and ability to do things you can’t do as easily at other AOs – like incorporate coupons effectively into a routine. While the Murph crew murphed (respect!), a good beatdown was needed for the rest of us. On a perfect Spring day, 4 pax emerged in the gloom and got some work in (and a mini-Murph too).


SSH x 20
WMH x 10
Good Morning x 10
Overhead clap x 20
Plank Jack x 10
Warmup lap

Thang 1 – Mini-Murph

(I had originally planned a bit longer on what would be thang 2, but a garbage truck that posed a threat changed my plans.)

Mosey to playground. Find a suitable swing set to do mini-morph sets.

Pullups x 1 Merkins x 2 Squats x 3
Pullups x 2 Merkins x 4 Squats x 6 (Things started getting a bit hairy as YHC’s math skills stopped working)
Pullups x 3 Merkins x 6 Squats x 9
Pullups x 4 Merkins x 8 Squats x 12
Pullups x 5 Merkins x 10 Squats x 15
Pullups x 5 Merkins x 10 Squats x 15
Pullups x 5 Merkins x 10 Squats x 15
Pullups x 4 Merkins x 8 Squats x 12
Pullups x 3 Merkins x 6 Squats x 9 … (and so on)

Thang 2 – Track

Half lap (about 400 meters) done at various paces.
400 meters @ 80%
400 meters @ 50%
400 meters @ 99%
400 meters @ 50%
400 meters @ 80%

Thang 3 – Coupons

1. Low rows from plank position with dumbbells (15 pounds)
2. Squats with backpack (45 pounds)
3. Burpees
4. Bear Crawl the parking lot

1. Curls
2. Low kettlebell pull (with backpack)
3. Merkins
4. Run

1. Curl with overhead press
2. Lunge with backpack
3. Overhead clap
4. Crab walk the parking lot


LBC set (center, left, right) x 15 IC
Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Homer to marge x 20 IC
Tin soldier x 20 IC (Chum)

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