The Goldilocks Q

August 14, 2017

WHEN: 08/14/2017
QIC: Sweats
PAX: Sweats, Riggs, Sweater Vest, Sully, The Snowman, SalPal, Porterhouse, Santa Anna, 2-Face, Tugboat, Penguin, Soybean, Dial Up, Soda Popinksi, The Exchange, Chubbs, Funny Money, Flanders, Cyanide, FNG Trebleclef, FNG Cowbell

5 showed up for EC pull-ups. The best part about Devil’s Ridge pull up EC is that you leave feeling like the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man.  The worst part about Devi’s Ridge pull up EC is that you leave feeling like the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man and you still have a ME to do.  Anyway, 5 alternated between many different pull up variations and merkins to get that good, puft feeling.

Then 20+ showed up for the ME (welcome FNGs Treble clef and Cowbell!).  I thought I had mistakenly showed up to a Springsteen concert with all the cars piling into the parking lot.  Alas, they were not all there to join my Q, but many of them were!  The goal today was variety: not too hot, not too cold – not too many sprints or hills or merkins – but I wanted everything just right.  As you felt a little pain from merkins, it was time to feel it from running.  You get the idea.  We cut our warm up short to get out of the way and embarked upon a little journey to get the blood pumping and to finally taste the porridge, so to speak.

First hill across from Fuqua: 30 jump squats, sprint to top, 30 merkins.  Mumblechatter = dead.

Run to law school: 30 box jumps, 10 5-count descending dips with explosive up; 20 box jumps and 10 5-count descending derkins with explosive up.

Run to Department of Political Science on Towerview: Bear crawl three lights, lunge walk to next light, then crawl bear down to the steps.  Jog to Circuit Dr. (with some bunny hops thrown in).

At the lake, lunge walk up the hill, followed by bear crawl, followed by crawl bear.

5 blue lights led us around the lake.  We backwards ran to the first light and hit 10 burpees; ran to the second light and hit 20 partner squats; ran to the third light and hit 10 one-legged merkins (each leg), then we ran back to Circuit Dr.

At the bottom of the Circuit Dr. hill, we decided to run back to the home base parking lot at top speed.

CoT: Prayers to SalPal’s Aunt who is undergoing a medical procedure this week.  Prayers to Soybean’s family, dealing with a recent suicide.