The Goal is to Grind

August 17, 2017

WHEN: 08/17/2017
QIC: Chef Tell
PAX: Boyardee, Bright Idea, Chef Tell, Coco, Gomer, Grunge, GTL, Horny Toad, Mumbles, Rambler, Skynyrd

Six PAX met to know the darkness at 0500 for EC Ruck. We rucked. We carried coupons (25#, 40#, 60#). We got stronger. Shout out to Rambler and Boyardee for V Ruck this morning–this was not an easy intro to rucking. Thanks to Coco for traveling south to join the party. Solid work.

We were joined by five more PAX at the Woods parking lot to kick off the first episode of Chatham County’s finest strength and conditioning circuit. Quick haul of the gear to the AO, then time to get after it.

SSH in cadence x15
Arm circles in cadence x10
Merkins in cadence x15
Air squats in cadence x10

The Thang:
Build a circle of pain around the tractor tire. 11 men, at least 11 different stations.

Stations included: Sledgehammer swings + tractor tire, 95# barbell for cleans/press/thrusters, cinder blocks for blockees/press, KBs for swings/goblet squats, multiple sandbags for lunges/squats, dumbbells, rucks, and more.

Round 1: 30 seconds on, 30 second rest, shift. Complete the circle.
Round 2: 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest, shift. Complete the circle.
Round 3: 15 seconds on, 15 seconds rest, shift. Complete the circle.


Boyardee leading the effort for 3rdF with CORA Food Bank. The plans continue to evolve. Find the latest info on Slack at #cora3rdf channel.

Coco has the Q at The Thicket this upcoming Monday 8/21/17. He acknowledged Chatham’s tremendous growth and praised the efforts of the growing PAX, while encouraging the south Chruham PAX to get out and travel throughout the region. We have a good thing going, but strengthening bonds with brothers across Churham is also good.

YHC closed out the morning by thanking all the PAX for supporting today’s launch. Today would not have been a successful launch without the contributions of each man who showed up. 11 men showed up, and 11 men got stronger this morning. YHC made reference to the attached video. The goal is not what you achieve at the end of grinding each day. The goal is to grind. As always, it was an honor to lead you men this morning. Go out and make today the best you can for your families, friends, and anyone who crosses your paths.