The Common Good

January 6, 2020

WHEN: 01/06/2020
QIC: Grunge
PAX: Bright Idea, Duplo, Marky Mark, Boyardee, Splashback, Stubbs, Bump Draft, Stinky Pete, Dr. Phil, Brotox, Griswold, Huddle House (**Renamed, Respect!), Nitro (Respect! x2), GTL, Germ, Spit Bucket

I made it through the Wilderness. Somehow I made it through ~ M.L. Ciccone

Brothers, it has been a while. I have been on a bit of a hiatus, but I am back now and I am looking forward to easing my way back into the fray. Some of you out there who know me, know that I am rather shy and quite introverted. I tend to shrink back into the shadows as it is a place of comfort for me. It is often quite challenging for me to muster up the confidence to actively engage and add my voice. I hope you all do not take this personally. In fact, I am so very grateful for those of you who have come to accept my quiet aloof and standoffish manner and have made efforts to help me feel welcome and safe out in the gloom.

In my time away, I have had several opportunities to engage in some deep soul searching, and I have made it a goal…no, a mission, to break free from my insecurities and fears. In my effort to take active steps towards embarking on this new journey, I chose to step up, admittedly with notable trepidation, and put my name on the Q sheet to lead this morning’s workout at The Thicket. It was time to turn over a new leaf. It is like what my M tells me when we seek to add something new to our routine. “Yes, it will be hard…but it is a good hard.” Beautiful words. In fact, even as I reflect on these words now, I admit, I am fighting to get a hold of myself and throttle back tears.

So, it was with this newfound verve, I arose this morning, bright and early. I mindfully stated my affirmations to the one looking back at me in the mirror, girded my loins, and made my way to the AO. Brothers, I say this in great earnest when I say that nothing could prepare me for what was in store. It was a shaky start, but I soon found myself engorging with courage to dig deep and started to peel back layer after layer. Soon, I found myself opening myself up more and more, until I allowed myself to be entirely naked and vulnerable out there with my brothers around me. I very much appreciated those that came forward and gave me warm embraces and tender encouragement. The ones that had my back and provided a pillar of strength to lean on, I knew my 6 was in good hands. They may never know how much this small gesture meant to me. It was truly uplifting and made my soul and spirit rise. To once again quote the great M.L. Ciccone, I felt “shiny and new”, like a vQ, “touched for the very first time.” Aye.

Brothers, allow me to encourage you. Make every effort to get out there – be bold, be strong, be confident. Open yourself up to new experiences. Scale new heights. Take on greater risks. Be shiny and new. Be vulnerable. It is well worth your while. Do it for yourself. Do it for your loved ones. Do it for the brotherhood. Do it for The Common Good.

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  • SSH, x20 IC
  • LBAC, F & R, x10 IC
  • OH Claps, x10 IC
  • WMH, x10 IC


Led PAX to Woods Charter playground. Split into 2 Groups.

We will be performing AMRAP the following Murph + Core superset:

  • 5 Top Guns (Hanging Toes To Bar)
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 BW Squats
  • 40 LBCs

Goal is between 6-8 rounds of the above superset. YHC provided quick disclaimer. We are all adults. There is no proctor. I ain’t the F3 police. You are accountable to your own conscience.

** YHC provided a couple breaks to help the PAX regroup/recharge and break up the above rounds.

First break (0545), YHC had PAX line up against the Climbing Wall for Aussie Taps (Alt shoulder taps in BTTW position. Prayers for the Firefighters, First Responders, and our brothers and sisters battling the wildfires in Australia), x11, IC

Second break (0605), YHC had PAX circle up for Burpees, x20 OYO. This went so well, YHC decided to extend our break to do another round of Burpees, x20 OYO. Feeling gregarious, YHC decided to treat the PAX to a second round of Aussie Taps, x10 IC.

Led PAX back to StartEx with 5 min remaining. Most PAX were able to get their reps and their rounds, which makes for a d*mn good Monday, IMHO.


5 Merkin Ring of Fire (Courtesy of Boyardee)



  • Splashback: The Thicket, 2/24 will be a Murph W/O. Come prepared.
  • Bump Draft: Looking for Qs to Lead the Refurb’ed AMRAP, Thu @ 0530. Step up. Don’t be a wuss.
  • Marky Mark/Brotox: Tue on Ice Challenge continues @ The Jag & The Rabbit. Frozen tears are best tears.
  • Nitro: Bringing back Thirsty Thursdays, every 3rd Sunday @ BC Clubhouse, 1900-2100. Check Slack. Also, cut Nitro some slack on the whole Sunday on Thursday thing. He is in his 70s FFS.
  • Renamed brother Gepetto due to Churham duplication. Newly monikered as Huddle House (close 2nd was Blue Waffle. Dodged a bullet on that one, friend). Welcome. Again.



  1. Having a common enemy sometimes strengthens the bond of the people. This morning, I am happy to serve as that common enemy.
  2. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right now. Don’t wait. Every day is a gift. Live each day to the fullest.

Peace and blessings in the New Year, brothers. Aye.