7 hour workday?

January 6, 2020

WHEN: 01/04/2020
QIC: Zook
PAX: Catskill, Nitro, Bumpdraft, Jinx, Splashback, Stubbs, Zook

4 for EC 5K and then 7 PAX for the first workout of the year at the mustang


  • WMH
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Arm Circles
  • SSH


  • Mosey to the parking lot
    • hold plank, each pax bear crawl to curb, crawl bear back, and leads PAX in 3 merkins
    • hold bridge, each pax crab walk to curb, walk crab back, leads PAX in 5 dips
    • move back to other curb, 7 stations, each station a different workout, times is PAX running to top of fill and back. (did this twice, different exercises each time)
    • recovery lunge walk to curb and back
    • parking space tracers, burpees at bottom of space (10 spaces total)
  • Mosey to mustang statue
    • each pax leads group in a # of merkins representing the hour of day (9,10,11,12,1,2,3) — 7 hour workday?
  • Mosey to other side of school, peoples chair and balls to the wall for a bit


  • Each PAX led the group in one exercise, ALL 20 count IC.


  • Stay strong with the forces of nature challenge
  • possible convergence between the wall and the mustang for rest or winter, be on the look out
  • Q sheets wide open everywhere


So nothing really poetic to say today but just wanted to encourage you guys on any resolutions you have set for this year. I’ve seen a lot of things on social media berating people for trying a resolution. I really believe that’s the last thing we need. Encourage, encourage, encourage . Until next time. Aye!