That Escalated Quickly….

March 16, 2019

WHEN: 03/15/2019
QIC: Elf
PAX: Loonie, Misery, Ocho, Bells, Pikachu, Beano, Avalanche, Sweatervest, Moore, Homes,Cheesesplint, Awesome Baby, Vespa, Pedialyte, Driftwood, Boucher

No, it’s not 3/29. I know that’s the date I was supposed to Q the Falcon but, well, things happen. Mainly to Cosmos foot. It was his day, his mind said “yes”, his foot said “heck no” however. He was supposed to run some EC with us on the previous day and informed us the foot wasn’t cooperating and he needed to rest it up. So we covered his Q by committee as only good brothers should do. He asked if I would switch days with him and how could I ever tell any of you, let alone Cosmo, no. So I cooked something up quickly and hope it didn’t leave a bad taste in the other PAXs mouth.

SSH x 25
WMH x 10
Hand release Merkins x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Thang
So the combination of coming up w something quick AND also needing to get ready for a Spartan in April seemed to make the plan a simple, no brainer. Let’s get some miles and PT. And escalate each time.
1st Step
Each Pax start at same spot, do 10 burpees, run a lap then back for 10 more burpees. Simple, right?!? So first lap was around all 3 parking lots in front of school. Plank hold til all done.
2nd Step
Start out at the same spot, do 10 burpees but add 20 air squats. Make longer lap (down side walk through school, do all the lower 3 parking lots, back to start at top lot). Knock out the 10 burps and 20 squats. Low squat hold til all back.
3rd Step
Start w 10 hand release Merkins this time, 20 squats, add 30 count mountain climbers. Head to sidewalk at road and do large lap around ALL lower parking lots and courts. Return home to do the 10,20,and 30 exercises. Low squat hold when back.
Since we escalated, we needed to “de-escalate “. So we do the 2nd Step in reverse direction w PT and then step 1 in reverse with PT. 20 hand release Merkins, 80 burpees, 120 air squats, 60 cadence count mountain climbers by the time we were finished. If you were counting. Time for Mary.

Since Misery likes to tell me it’s not football season anymore I remind him it’s my Q and “I do what I want!”.
44 LBCs, 16 box cutters (see what I did there?!?), then finished with a ring of fire 5 count low plank hold.
Homes reminded us of Zika 24 run coming up, please support him and his family in their wonderful endeavor.
So I decided to express my thought process in how I became the Q for this day. When Cosmo first reached out to Cardiac and I to help cover TR for him Thursday I though “no problem, worse case Cardiac always knows what to do” so I responded to Cosmo we would cover. And we split it up making it easy. I wanted to be a good fellow PAX. But when I received another DM from Cosmo about covering Friday I panicked. I always like to write out my long Q for a couple weeks to make sure I have it down pat, timed out, and elements of new stuff to “wow” my fellow PAX. I wasn’t supposed to Q until the 29th and only marginally had thought about what I would do. So my first thought was I couldn’t do it in that short of time. I even expressed my concern to Cosmo who offered his workout plan. Then after a few nervous minutes I realized, that’s what this “thing” is all about. It’s about helping out a brother that has an injury. It’s about supporting your brothers as they go through, even lead a workout. And it’s about stepping up when you’re needed. But it also reminded me I would be surrounded by fellow PAXs that were there to support me. Surrounded by men that have themselves stepped up and helped out another PAX in their time of need. Guys that would be willing to jump in and help if I lost my place or still had too much time left. This was my time to be “F3”, not just say I was apart of it. It helped me realize a little clearer what this thing is. It’s synergy. We are greater than our sum. I know this because “it” helped me do something I would most likely not do. And to all of you I am grateful. Never miss a chance to be “F3”. Thanks guys.