Stinky Pete’s Revenge

August 11, 2017

WHEN: 08/11/2017
QIC: Stinky Pete
PAX: Mothman, Dueling Banjos, Skynyrd, Stickman, E.T., Boyardee, Woodcock, Ruxpin, Goat Cheese, John Boy, Fat Cat, Horny Toad, Bright Idea, Duplo, Nescafe, Marky Mark, Gomer, Sneaky Shoes, Nitro, Link, Chef Tell, Sussudio, Germ, Grunge

25 PAX showed up to The Wall AO for another good Briar Chapel workout: for some gluttons this was their 4th of the week without even having to leave the confines of B.C.! They came by all manner of conveyance, by foot, by clown car, some even weighted. Some PAX were oblivious to the fact that this was Stinky Pete’s VQ. Others came expressly for the purpose of checking out what Stinky had to offer. Stinky, so mild-mannered, never first, never last – no one knew what to expect. Some thought, maybe Stinky has a darker side? He’s a bad guy in that kid’s movie, right? Stinky kept his VQ close to the vest all week, but there were rumors of some “new stuff” and maybe a way to make some classic F3 exercises “fun.” How audacious of this newbie. The PAX were curious. Stinky was a bit nervous. How safe is a death march in the gloom? Everyone’s advice was to “just get through the VQ”, and he was trying out some new stuff. Would the PAX be forgiving when he jacked up the counting calls?

Let’s get to it.


Warm Up

  • SSH x 20, forward arm circles x 10, then reverse x 10, air squats x 20


The Thang

Bataan Death March using 3 lines. Last man strays behind and does 5 Burpees, and then sprints to the head of the line, tapping the new last man as he passes. Proceed at a medium pace.

Mosey over to The Wall’s “dip station,” with half the PAX doing dips while the other half does curb Derkins.  16 reps IC, then switch for another 16 reps IC.

Mosey over to the landscape boulders (Chef Tell’s rock garden). Pick a boulder. Choose wisely.

  • 25 “clean and press” (promised 30, but it was clear that some PAX over-committed so dialed it back)
  • 10 boulder Burpees – aka “Rockees”
  • Carry your boulder to the bottom of the hill, go around the STOP sign, then up to the top of the hill.
  • 10 more Rockees, then ditch the boulder and…

Mosey on over to the tennis courts…

  • Partner-up for back-to-back Walking Chairs across the width of the 3 tennis courts. Switch pusher-pushee when gassed. This didn’t go well! YHC remembered too late that it works better if you stand taller.
  • Get the lactic acid out with a jog around the perimeter and meet in the corner.
  • Now for some fun. Lone Bear (Stinky Pete) chases Crabs, tagging Crabs who will then become Bears. Last Crab becomes the new Bear chaser. Repeated x 2, with Grunge having the honor on Round #2.


  • Freddy Mercury x 25, last 5 slow for extra groaning
  • Boat-Canoe
  • Makhtar Ndiaye x 15 (per Marky Mark)



  1. Woods Charter work day tomorrow, 9-1pm. Good opportunity to improve and payback The Thicket AO. YHC will do some Spartan EC at 8:30 if anyone is interested.
  2. Upcoming CORA pantry work day. Boyardee is leading this.


Had a blast leading you men out there today, and nice to get the VQ under the belt! F3 teaches you to challenge yourself, and meet that challenge, on a regular basis. I find that the confidence this gives me helps me to accept and lead other challenges in my life. Use F3 as a platform to accept challenges to improve your family life, your work life, and your community, and ultimately be a better partner, father, colleague, and citizen. Until we next meet in the gloom, Aye!

-Stinky Pete