
October 22, 2018

WHEN: 10/22/2018
QIC: Marky Mark
PAX: Boyardee, Bright Idea, Chum, Closer, Duplo, Griswold, Grunge, Mothman, Quimby, Rambler, Zook

As sad as it is to say in mid-October, it seems the football season in Chapel Hill is effectively over. There are more tailgates to attend and games to watch, but whatever hope existed for Tar Heel football in 2018 has mostly faded away. With that in mind, as well as frosty weather that certainly didn’t feel like fall, YHC ushered in the start of basketball season at The Thicket this morning. There were three for The Jungle EC, and three others for Murph EC, and then 12 convened at the AO for the main event.

Arm Circles (set an AO record on these, as YHC was waiting for everyone to join the circle)

The Thang
When you think of great basketball traditions in Chapel Hill, The Four Corners is high on the list. Dean Smith’s winning play call was akin to Red Auerbach’s cigar. When UNC went to Four Corners, it was time to celebrate. Strangely enough, the PAX didn’t seem to celebrate when YHC said today’s main event would be a version of the Four Corners. The assumption was that they were just trying to keep their voices down so as not to wake the neighborhood.

1st Corner: Slow merkins
2nd Corner: WWIIs
3rd Corner: Slow squats
4th Corner: Burpees

Modes of travel: sprint, crawl variations, walking lunge, mosey

Escalating rep sets: 2, 4, 6, 8, 11

Imperial Walkers
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters

* Chatham’s end-of-year 2nd F (“The Banquet”) is Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. at the Clubhouse.
* Check out Spooky’s exclusive haunted house viewing period for the PAX

“We used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.”

YHC happened to look up before the main event and marveled at a beautiful array of stars lining the sky. With that came the realization that YHC so rarely even looks up during a workout, and instead usually just goes through the motions without appreciating the world around him. So today’s message was to not take things for granted. Don’t take each day for granted. Don’t take friends, family, and the world around you for granted. And don’t take F3 for granted.