Running Chicago

July 5, 2018

WHEN: 07/05/2018
QIC: Bell’s
PAX: WeedNFeed, Floyd, 16 Seed, Kia, Malware, Brick, Boucher

My brother played soccer in high school and one of his favorite drills was called “Chicago”. Basically, the team ran around the field, sprinting one, two, three, then all four sides of the field. It’s unclear how the name “Chicago” was assigned. Some say Harry Caray did this as a pre-game workout, wearing only a jockstrap. Others ascribe it to how one might puke after celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in the Windy City. The truth has faded into mystery.

In any event, YHC thought it was ripe for F3 to experience and embrace. Nothing like a little speed work to get the blood pumping early in the morning.

Warm Up

SSH x20

WMH x10

IW x20

LBC x10 (plus the esrever)

Johnny Dramas x20 (thinking of you Happy Gilmore)


The Thang

Each PAX grabbed a rock from the pile and moseyed to the soccer field.

In cadence we performed (with the coupon):

20x Goblet Squats

20x Curls

20x Overhead Presses

Fellowship lap around the field, sans coupons.

Upon return to our coupons PAX paired off, performing 15 reps each of the aforementioned exercises, followed by a mosey around the field. Those five missing reps turned into a sprint of the last leg of the field. If a PAX finished before their partner, they were obligated to run back and pick them up. WeedNFeed excelled in this regard throughout the workout.

The PAX ascended the mountain, trading five reps for sprinting an end line or sideline of the field (or as close to a sprint as one could manage), eventually “sprunting” all four sides.  On the descent, the fellowship lap became a 3rdF opportunity, as Floyd pointed out the amount of trash on and around the field. Knope will be billed accordingly.

Totals came to 100 reps of each exercise and about 1.58 miles of running/sprinting.

Mary: A solid minute of Superman.


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