¡Return of the Hurricanrana!

October 18, 2017

WHEN: 10/18/2017
QIC: Tatertot
PAX: Soda Popinski, Mr. Brady, 3-Peat, Chubbs, Cherrie Berry (R), Crockett, Green Egg (FNG!), Scrooge McDuck, Roach, Tatertot
Two PAX met at 0500 to Ruck through Croasdaile. Good news – we have a very good loop for rucking – 1 mile and some change. Also, Chubbs showed YHC a terrible hill at the entrance of Croasdaile that will be used in the future for a Jacob’s Ladder. The temporary name of this location will be “Chubbs’ Fault.” Great Ruck in the cold. EC in the 30s is the best – you are warmed up for the ME when you start!
The Ruckers hustled into the parking lot to get the ME going – we started a little late, that is YHC’s fault, but also could be construed as “North Durham Start Time” (2 mins later than Durham Start Time).

Warm Up
SSH (cause it’s cold)
Mosey around the parking long
Willie Mayes Hayes – regular cadence, and slow cadence
Good Mornings

arm circles (fwd and backward)

The Thang

100 Squats
right away after warm up!

it was at this point that some of the PAX (notably Chubbs and Mr. Brady) tried to add 2 or 3 extra squats to the count to finish a little early. The problem is that when excercising with a CPA (Scrooge McDuck), you’re never going to be off counting. He can’t go off script, what if we get audited? Tclaps to Scrooge for having numerical integrity.

Mosey to back blacktop

Jack Webb 
Overhead press by 4’s  (from 4 to 40)
Merkins by 1’s (from 1 to 10)
PAX ten-counted at the 5 and pushed hard for the second half. Moaning and groaning was turned up here. YHC wore running tights, and the rest of the PAX apparently wore shorts. Soda wanted to make sure that everyone know YHC had way more protection with my extra 3 millimeter layer of protection against the blacktop. YHC wishes he could have compassion, but Soda Popinski is a noted Yankees fan, and YHC just can’t even begin to show any ounce of care as the Astros slowly blow it…
An Exploration of Flutter Kicking
Classic Flutters x 25, Squats x 25
Scissor Flutters x 25, Squats x 35
High Flutters x 25, Squats x 45
Slow Flutters x 25, Squats x 55
Hello Dolly “Flutters” x 25, Squats x 65
Outlaws x 30 (clockwise and counter x 15 each), squats x 30
That’s a total of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE SQUATS completed during this workout. Well done gang! At this point it was about 7 minutes until Cot and with an FNG we needed to make sure we had time. 
Mosey back to parking lot around the front. 



Russian Hammers x 25

CoT –

  • 10 strong this morning with what has been a number of regulars here in North Durham. Very encouraging to see that we could easily have 15 if a few more newer PAX and semi-regular PAX showed up (and not counting visitors either!)
  • YHC does not have a shovel flag yet. This is YHC trying to be accountable.
  • Welcome FNG – Green Egg (Blaine Hedge!). When asked about what’s the dumbest thing he’s ever done, he was wise enough to change the subject back to how he likes to cook on the grill.

5 Year Anniversary at TBL on Friday instead of Falcon. YHC made a strong case for the crew to get down and be a part, could be easily 40+ PAX!


  • As the “Premier Sweater” of F3 Churham, YHC really loves this weather. No more wringing out shirts for a few months!
  • Starting and Q’ing a new site has been really fun. YHC is really thankful that the PAX in and around North Durham are committed to growing it here. Guys show up and want to keep showing up. That means a lot when you step out and say “I’m going to try and lead this.” It’s been super easy to be motivated for the new site because Mr. Brady (and his crew), Chubbs, and Soda have all put their hand up and then follow through with consistency.
  • Last thing, YHC wants to put this out for others to see: The goal of Hurricanrana is not just to grow F3 in North Durham or have a place where YHC finally get’s a sub-1o minute commute. The goal of this site is to be the best. We’re going to do it. Hurricanrana is going to be the legit best workout site in F3 Churham. You’re going to want to make the trip up on Wednesdays. You’re going to tell your friends. You’re going to get smoked. You’re going to buy the shirt (it’s already been designed!). You’ll fight to Q it. It won’t happen overnight, but with the PAX that have committed, the PAX that are coming, and the Sad Clowns that will come, it’s going to happen. Sorry to all the other sites, but that’s just what it is.