Remember the Cougars

November 8, 2017

WHEN: 11/08/2017
QIC: Spooky
PAX: Band camp, Sherman, Booboo, Fingers, Sir-Mix-Alot, Turnpike, Smokes, Kevin, Zika, Stevie Ray, Holmes, Moore, DOI, Knoxville, Spooky

Just like the movie “Remember the Titans”, it was time for football drills.  It was time to Remember the Cougars.

YHC jumped out of his car and started blowing his coach whistle.  Circle up!


IC SSH x 20
IC Imperial Walkers x 12
Slow Squats x 10
Arm Circles x 10 (forward and reverse)
Slow Merkins x 10


The Thang:

Coach blows his whistle and yells “Time for Up Downs”. Pax shuffle feet like they’re running. Every time the coach blows the whistle, drop into a burpee then back up into shuffle/running.  Five minutes was plenty!

Mosey to benches.  IC Derkins x 15, IC Dips x 20, then repeat: IC Derkins x 15, IC Dips x 20

Time for suicides.  Partner up – one partner holds a low squat while the other runs suicide/wind sprints.  Then switch.  Rinse and repeat.

Bear crawl the parking lot, every parking line then five merkins.

Form two lines and face each other.  Wide Receiver/Defensive Back drills.  Block each other down the parking lot, then push off and sprint back to the line.  Rinse and repeat.

Main event:

YHC grabs a glow football and Pax run to the football field.  Line up along the end zone.  Pax take turns throwing the football as far as possible and then choose a method of travel to the football followed by 10 IC of an exercise:

Lunge walk, then 10 IC squats

Bear crawl, then 10 IC merkins

Crawl bear, then 10 IC LBCs

Sprint, then 10 IC squats

Reverse sprint, then 10 OYO burpees

Lunge walk, then 10 IC squats

Traveling burpees half way then sprint

(Switch to speed round due to time – no more 10 IC of an exercise)

Bunny hop down

Gorilla jump/walk down

Reverse sprint down

Reverse gorilla jump – horrible!


Coach blows his whistle and yells “Now let’s repeat it all until we get it right!” – but we were out of time.

No time for Mary.


COT:  Prayers for brother Spam undergoing his third hernia surgery.  And prayers for brother Lo-Pair that he heals quickly and can post soon.