Rampage at Wallace Wade

October 15, 2018

WHEN: 10/15/2018
QIC: Shake It
PAX: Bitcoin, Larry Legend, Crabcake, Bluth, Pine Tar, Funny Money, Tater Tot, Coxswain, Dial Up, Juco, Sweater Vest, Doogie, Toolbox, Justice, Driftwood, Shake It

Checked the Q sheet over the weekend and saw a blank space.  As any Taylor Swift fan would do when they see a blank space, they write their name.  Somebody explain that reference to Funny Money later.

Sweater Vest put out the call for EC, and only YHC answered the bell.  Two men and two pull-up bars leads to a lot of pull-ups, and very little rest.

Pulled into the Science Drive visitor lot and we had a nice little crowd assembled.  Toolbox was nice enough to bring us out an FNG from Kansas City. YHC gave the normal disclaimer (not a professional, modify if necessary, Tom Ludlam is my lawyer, etc.)

Warm-Up: All in Cadence

  • Side Shuffle Hop x25
  • Willie Mayes Hayes x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps x10
  • Prison Squats x10

The Thang:

We moseyed over to the hill adjacent to the parking lot and gorilla crawled to the help sign.  Mad shout out to Larry Legend who destroyed this section, it was legen——wait for it—-dary, legendary.  You know it was hard when we stood at the top sucking wind, instead of holding a static position. After a quick 10 count, we did some active recovery in the form of line hops for an entire minute.  Hamstrings, quads, and calves were smoked and we were now approximately ten minutes in.

We then fellowship jogged down to the plaza in front of the main entrance of Wallace Wade Stadium,  the house that Jamison Crowder built. YHC noticed this nice little area last week when Soda Popinski took us through.  Geographic features include two large sets of steps. YHC explained that we were going to do something the Lexicon calls Rampage, many Devil’s Ridge vets will remember this as something that Coco had us do on the Chapel steps.  We crawl beared up the steps, completed 10 merkins, bear crawled back to the bottom, and completed 10 jump squats. PAX did this on both sets of stairs. Luckily, we came out of this injury free.

Next up, PAX paired off to complete a dora. YHC was blessed to be paired with Coxswain, #animal.  Pairs were charged with completing 100 burpees, 150 merkins, and 200 box jumps.  While one partner knocked out the exercises, the other partner would bunny hop up the left set of stairs, run across the top, and then run down the right set of steps.  

Not sure if any groups got all the reps in, but it’s always best to over plan.  Trying to be respectful of the group’s time, we jogged back to startex to conclude at 0615.


Do some at home.  Sweater Vest and YHC did top guns, so we were covered.


  • Welcome FNG Pine Tar.
  • Prayers for Tater Tot and the rest of his family.  They had a tree damage the roof of their house. I know they are still waiting for a claims person to come out and do an assessment.
  • Prayers for Pine Tar’s brother who has undergone surgery for Rectum cancer.