Ramblin’ Men

August 10, 2021

WHEN: 08/10/2021
QIC: Flapjack
PAX: Einhorn, Gordo, Champ, Buffay, Gilligan, Dogwood, Draper, Beano, 2Ply, BubbaGump, Loveseat, Moore

PAX were asked to be prompt and bring reflective gear and headlamps.  YHC had a big loop around Chapel Hill planned.

The Thang

Warmup across Hooker Fields, mosey west on South Road (Buffay ran to catch up with us), go hard up Columbia to the light.

Brisk mosey downhill to the light at Hillsborough St on MLK; Champ expressed confusion about Loveseat’s water bottle.

Turn right on the Bolin Creek Path for a 1.2 mile push segment; plenty of good brushy spots for Shake It to have a little personal time had he joined us.  Dogwood and Gilligan cruised out ahead of the pack.

Follow YHC through .5mi of trails (Root!  Rock!  Root!  Stoner guy!) out to Greenwood; push hard on Greenwood to Raleigh Road.  Pick up the six, rendezvous.

Push hard up Raleigh Road; recover.  Back to the AO for .5mi of segment runs, dodging ROTC cadets and ‘Splinter Cell F3’ guys pushing metal plates.  Champ expressed confusion re: test marketing of the name of YHC’s business.  The confusion was mutual, and no reasonable answer was provided.  YHC’s distance on Strava was 6.45 miles.



2Ply will Q Rameses tomorrow for his 7th anniversary Q.  Prayers for Beano as he travels today for the first time in two years.

A fable ascribed to the Cherokee:

An old man told his grandson, “Young man, there is an endless battle that goes on inside all of us. It is between two wolves. One wolf is bad – he is anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, resentment, lies, superiority and ego. The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf survives?”

The old man answered, “Whichever one you feed.”  Aye!