The real Stanley Cup playoffs start tonight, and YHC is stoked to see if the Canes can avenge last year’s sweep at the hands of the Bruins. Best spectator sport, IMO, and nothing better than playoff puck, even with no fans in the arena.

As it happened, the Canes’ coach, former captain and fitness freak Rod “The Bod” Brind’Amour turned 50 on Sunday, so thought it fitting to get it in a heavy metal session with 50 as our theme. Plus, YHC of late has been bemoaning the fact that we don’t use enough “pull” muscles in our workouts, so has been trying to remedy that.
MLP and Cardiac got in an EC run, and Castaway did a solo ruck because he didn’t invite me.
PAX had weight in the 30# – 40# range
Standard warmup, with the addition of an oblique stretch
Weight overhead over to the small parking lot, everyone just walked briskly except for Cardiac who ran.
Circle of weight
- Rows X 25 X 2 = 50 – shake out in between two sets
- Recovery lap around the mini loop
- Chest Press X 50 no rest – Jellystone loved this one
- Recovery lap around the mini loop
- High Pulls X 20 – two X 15 – shake out in between each – whew
- Recovery lap around the mini loop
- Flutter Kick X 50IC no rest
- Recovery lap around the mini loop
- OHP X 25 X 1 – 15 X 1 – 10 X 1 – shake out in between
- Recovery lap
Lined up on far end of parking lot and did AMRAP circuits of Curls, Deadlifts and Weighted Squats while each PAX took their turn with suitcase carry down to dumpsters, switch arms, suitcase carry back
This took a while.
Quick last round of 25 rows then weight back overhead to start
- Slow Homer to Marge X 15IC
- Weighted flutter kicks led by cardiac X 50IC
- Learned the other day that your core includes your butt and quads, so finished with 20 weighted slow squats IC
Our own Frizzle is furiously getting ready for school to resume in this strange new normal, and YHC knows something about the stress he’s under. Jellystone offered prayers for all our teachers. YHC took us out.
Put out a call for school supplies to support the City of Durham drive that Knope mentioned, and lots of guys stepped up. The Piranha PAX have never failed to step up when called onto support the community, whether it’s food or school supply drives or clean-up/beautification projects there are Parkwood Elementary. Proud to be a part of this strong group of HIMs who represent the best of what F3 is all about. Aye!