Passing Kidney Stones on the Benches & Bricks to the Head & Ball Games

November 7, 2017

WHEN: 11/06/2017
QIC: Red October
PAX: Marky Mark, Nanu Nanu, Bunyan, The Closer, Grunge, Rambler, Mayor McCheese (FNG), Lumbergh (FNG), Skynyrd, Dueling Banjos, Link, Slow Pitch, GTO, Duplo, Fieri, Bright Idea, Griswold, Sneaky Shoes, Horny Toad


Side Shuffle Hops x 25 IC
Main Event:

Mosey to back of Building.   Found some benches perfect for Dips and Derkins.   One of the new beauties of an exercise YHC stumbled on is called the “Forty”.   Pick 2 exercises and continue alternating each but each set contains a total of 40 reps.   It’s good for bringing a burn to certain muscles.  The PAX proceeded as follows:
30 Dips, 10 Derkins,
25 Dips, 15 Derkins,
20 Dips, 20 Derkins
15 Dips, 25 Derkins
10 Dips, 30 Derkins

Head over to Soccer Field: Had to Q Audible at this point as YHC read in a post about how Floyd had used some bricks during a workout that sounded really cool.   So we had stop to pick up Bricks when we passed a big old pile of them.  Circle Up, SSH w/ Bricks x 10 IC.  Some of you may have noticed, but maybe it was too dark, but YHC whacked himself in the head on the very first SSH,(Maybe it knocked some sense into me).    Little Baby Arm Circles with Bricks X 5 FWD and x5 Reverse.

Put Bricks away.   Head to the Soccer Field.   Line up on the End Line:   10 Merkins, Crab Walk to ½ Field, 10 Merkins, Bear Crawl to End of Field 10 Merkins.   Hold Plank or pick up the 6.   25 Flutter Kicks IC.   Count off by 4.  Each team starts at a corner of the Soccer field.  Perform 3 burpees, run to mid field, grab one colored ball, and return to team corner, drop Ball.   Repeato until all balls have been grabbed.    But wait there’s more:   Under a cone at each corner of the soccer field is a crib sheet.  The Crib Sheet showed as follows:

Yellow Ball – 10 Star Jumps
Green Ball – 10 Monkey Humpers
Red Ball – 10 Burpees
Blue Ball – 20 Merkins

Each team was to count up each color ball in their pile, multiply by the # on the Crib Sheet, perform the exercises and then Return Balls to Center.  Easy enough, right?

Circle Up for Mary:

20 Gas Pumps IC
25 Flutter Kicks IC
10 Windshield Wipers IC
20 Peter Parkers IC

COT:   Welcome 2 FNG’s Lumbergh, and Mayor McCheese.   Great guys, and some great F3 names.   All I gotta say is that Grunge is an inspiring presence when it comes to naming FNGs.   Also, Grunge and some other PAX chose to wear weighted vests during the workout, so this only added to their experience today.  During the Bench Exercises Grunge was “grunting” so loud during the exercise that I was very concerned.   The last time I heard someone grunting like that they were passing a kidney stone.   Hope you are better brother.


Prayer Requests: When horrible events occur, such as what happened in San Antoni o on Sunday, I find it hard to say the adequate words to express the feeling of sorrow, frustration, anger, sadness or any of the other emotions being felt.  Words such as “Thoughts and Prayers” may sometimes feel trite, or inadequate.  My fumbling attempt, trying to grasp the appropriate turn of phrase, was not up to the task.   F3 gives us the opportunity to work out, and at the end of every workout 1 person spends about 1 minute speaking from the heart.  From my heart, I prayed this morning about San Antonio, and also expressed gratitude.   Gratitude for what a blessing it is to get up in the morning, work out, give and take ribbing, form bonds of friendship, build an spirit de corps, build community.

Still working on the Speed For Need effort.  If anyone has anyone knowledge of races in the January / February Timeframe DM me.