A Marginal Athlete

November 7, 2017

WHEN: 11/07/2017
QIC: Sussudio
PAX: Ruxpin, Quicken, Nescafe, Breach, Mothman, Gomer, Rambler, Wreckless, Strange Brew, Bright Idea, Dueling Banjos, Grunge, Sussudio

A Bakers dozen eager souls emerged from the gloom this morning to take part in The Rabbit, knowing nothing about what lay before them as yours truly spent the past three days plotting. Weeks before, while channeling my inner Bill Wennington on the basketball court, I went down with a sprained ankle. But much like the mythical phoenix that Bill Wennington was himself, I rose again this morning to Q The Rabbit.

So when Beano wrote me and asked to switch Q’s to this morning I enthusiastically responded: “Sure”. Much like Chumbawubas once regaled, ridiculed and ultimately regarded, chant heavy electro synth album “TubThumper”, I could get knocked down, but damnitt, I’d get up again”. For those of you playing at home, Tubthumper is the album name, TubThumping is the song name. That sentence works, I double checked.

I decided, with inspiration from Grunge’s last Q, that we would stay off the trails and try something new. I wanted this to test everyone in attendance and to pair some group dynamic with sprints.  

I’ll be honest, I was super pumped to Q this morning. As I mounted my steed to set off for the AO (Read: Car. Im still in the moment), I felt a level of excitement I haven’t felt in a while. I wanted to label this workout “Fast and Furious”, but only because at this point Vin Diesel was narrating my inner monologue. It wasn’t just the crisp morning air, the wind winding in and out the trees whispering “Suuuusuuudio”, or the absolute fire Techno station I stumbled on in Spotify, it was the impending main event.

12 men welcomed me at the AO. And then we got started.



Side Shuffle hop x20

Imperial Walkers x20

Merkins x 10

Willie Mays Hays x 20

Plank Leg Stretch, R/L



I decided not to tell anyone the plan to heighten the anticipation. We head out towards the Flag football field and cut up the road on the way to the tennis courts. Our pace was good, solid, unrelenting. I stopped by my House on Tobacco Farm way and picked up some mystery tennis balls I had left. We boogied to the tennis courts where we paired up in twos. We cut the courts in half and partners lined up across one another. Everyone got in the athletic position and with the tennis ball, shuffled left throwing the ball to their partner. We went up both courts then back down, for two full times. I deemed this “The Marginal Athlete”.

Tennis balls were then placed at a halfway point between both courts. Partners on opposite sides. First partner runs at a sprint through, picks up the ball and hands it to his partner on the other side. Next guy full sprint across the court leaving the tennis ball at midcourt. Then repeat. Twice.

Now we mosey.

Mumblechatter was good. Spirits were good. This needed to be broken.

We headed to the baseball field, which was locked and because I haven’t climbed a fence since my sandlot days, we deferred to the soccer field below.

This game is called blackjack, first to 21. Partners can either run the entire length of the field, or from sideline to sideline.

Sideline to sideline is 1 point

Entire length in a circle is 3 point

First to 21 wins.

YHC got to dole out some extra points as he didn’t have a partner. The winning combination of Rambler and Grunge got the first ever blackjack win.

From there we Moseyed back to the AO. Total Distance covered: 4.4 miles (according to Grunge’s watch). The State of North Carolina (according to how awesome I felt, drunk with power!).



American Hammerx20

Plank 10 count X4, Low plank 10 count X2

Prom Night X20





Everyone absolutely killed it today and it was a pleasure being out there.

Had an absolute blast this morning and remembered why I do it. It is a great group of guys who can help inspire you before you start your day. Jobs may stink, Kids may never sleep, but the groups that come out MondayFriday help me get a better start to my day. Appreciate the opportunity and look forward to the next time.