Opposites Attract

September 7, 2017

WHEN: 09/07/2017
PAX: Amphibious, Beano, Beebe, Boucher, Brick, Bushwood, Cardiac, Elf, Mr. Narwhal, My Little Pony

10 PAX found their way to Tobacco Road on a cool morning that reminded us all that Fall is on the way – it felt like “The Promise of a New Day”.  The temperature was perfect for football, tailgating, and mumble chatter.  You could tell the seasons were changing because Beano’s tights made their triumphant return with rumors of long sleeves and tobaggons closely to follow (joke credit to Bushwood).

The cooler temps had everyone eager to get started and we got down to business.


SSH x 30 (IC)

GM x 10 (IC)

Prisoner’s Squat x 15 (IC)

IW x 10 (IC)

Merkin x 15 (IC)

LBAC x 10 (IC)

Reverse x 10 (IC)

Now that the blood was pumping, we set out to make Elf’s favorite American Idol judge proud with a little “Opposites Attract” workout.

We mosey’d up to the top of the peanut for some two steps forward, one step back.  Our dance floor was the curved section of parking spaces (roughly 15 spots).  All PAX bear-crawled 2 spaces and then crawl-beared back 1 space for the entire length.  SSH until all were done.

Then we headed to the turf soccer field for some opposite laps.  Lap 1 – we “Rush, Rush”d to all four corners with a Usain Bolt.  PAX stopped at each corner and performed 10 hand-release merkins before continuing on.  We found that the morning dew and low 50’s made us all feel a little “Cold Hearted”, but nonetheless we pushed on.  Once finished, go back for the 6 or plank it out.

Next we did the opposite.  A backward run to all four corners.  His time we paused at each corner and “Knocked Out” 10 Donkey Kicks (That’s right Shake It, I’m standing on your corner! And I will continue to Q Donkey Kicks at every Paula Abdul inspired workout that you don’t attend!)  Once finished, go back for the 6 or reverse plank it out.

YHC was feeling “Crazy Cool” at this point and called for a return trip to the parking lot for another bear-crawl, crawl-bear 2 and 1.  Truthfully, I thought I needed to fill time, but this proved to be “Straight Up” unnecessary.

Back to the soccer field for our next lap.  This time we went half field with a Bunny Hop down the sidelines and Lunge Walk across mid-field and end line.  We stopped in each corner and like Paula at a big show, used 20 overhead claps to fire up the crowd.  This lap took longer than I anticipated and YHC had to choose “One or The Other” – so we skipped the opposite, which would have been backwards Bunny Hop & backwards Lunge Walk, with 20 Hello Dolly’s in each corner.

Instead we when straight to our final lap, around the goal box.  PAX performed traveling merkins down the short-sides, bear-crawled the long sides, and crushed 10 burpees in each corner.  This one was a gasser and I think Elf said it best when he noted “MLP, I love you, but I really don’t like you right now” – as Paula reminds us “Love Don’t Come Easy.”

Again, time prevented our oppo lap of traveling burpees/crawl-bear with merkins in the corners, but no one seemed to mind as we were all “Blowing Kisses in the Wind” at this point.

So we headed back to the parking lot for some make-up Mary.  We alternated the Hello Dolly’s and Merkins we missed.  10 x HD (IC), 10 x Slow Merkin (IC), 10 x HD (IC), 10 x Slow Merkin (IC), 10 x HD (IC).

Time was up and so we circled up, pleased with our efforts, remembering “It’s All About Feeling Good”.


9/11 Stair Climb at Kenan next Monday at 6 a.m.  EC workout with Beano at 5.

Good luck to our BRR guys this weekend.

Prayer Requests

All those affected by Hurricane Harvey, including friends of Beebe in Beaumont.  All those in the path of Hurricane Irma.  Beebe’s friend Country as he battles cancer for the third time.