YHC probably should have been a little less cryptic in the pre-blast and made it clear that long sleeves and long pants were advisable for today’s TBL shenanigans. Alas, Pep and Scrooge showed up in shorts and suffered the consequences.

A few battle scars can be a good thing, though, and Pep has already assured he is plotting revenge for his Q next week.
Theme today borrowed heavily from some rucking events, which often force you to battle the elements even as you test your physical strength and stamina.
With all the rain, was expecting it to be cold but soggy. As it turned out, field was cold and crunchy. We got well acquainted.
Brief warm-up, which included a fun little number from the Greenville HTL of fast feet (go, go, go!), on your belly, on your back, and roll, roll, roll! A couple of progressions of that then moseyed to the end line.
- Aussie snow angels (superman position, then moving arms and legs in and out simultaneously) X 20IC
- Lowcrawl (keeping face and body as low to turf as possible) to midfield – Aussie Snow Angel X 20
- Lowcrawl to other end line – Aussie Snow angels X 20
- Hand-release merkin X 20
- High crawl (crawl with head up) to midfield – hand release merkin X 20
- High crawl to end line – hand release merkin X 20
- On your six
- Heel touches X 20 IC
- Crab walk (feet forward) to midfield heel touches X 20 IC
- Crab walk to far end heel touches X 20 IC
(Crab walks usually a strength for YHC, but these were tough on slippery terrain and after the crawls!)
- WWII X 20
- Crab walk (hands forward) to midfield – WWII X 20
- Crab walk to endline – WWII X 20
- 10 burpees
- Snowman shuffle to midfield – 10 burpees
- Snowman shuffle to end line – 10 burpees
- Makhtar N’Diayes X 10 IC
- Deconstructed traveling burpee – 5 broad jumps, 5 hand-release merkins, repeat to midfield – Makhtar N’Diayes X 10 IC
- 5 broad jumps, 5 hand-release merkins to end line Makhtar N’Diayes X 10 IC
Was gonna get some rock work in, but time was running out, so just asked PAX to sprint to far end, then a suicide (18yd box and back, midfield and back, far 18yd box and back, far end and back) – mosey to center for
- Flutters X 40IC
- LBCs X 20IC
- WWIIs X 20
- 5 merkin ROF
PAX showed a lot of toughness today, mental and physical, something we all need with everything going on. Glad to have this group to continue to inspire us, push us and hold us accountable.
Great things are happening at TBL. Come check it out next Saturday! Aye!
And, if you made it this far, here’s your reward: The opening speech in Patton, which rules. “When you put your hands into a pile of goo that a moment before was Peppermint Pattie’s knee, you’ll know what to do.”